279 students receive General Honors Awards
Provost Dan Rich (left) and Alan Fox, director of the University Honors Program and professor of philosophy, congratulate junior Christina Delgado at the General Honors Awards ceremony.
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1:02 p.m., Nov. 13, 2008----The academic achievements of 279 University of Delaware Honors Program students were recognized at an afternoon ceremony Sunday, Nov. 9, at John M. Clayton Hall, where they received certificates and public congratulations for their accomplishments over the past two years.

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Speaking to the honorees, family members and guests of the University community during the ceremony, Provost Dan Rich said that “student success is the only real measure of success for any educational institution” and while the honorees' accomplishments over the past two years were impressive by themselves, they hinted at even greater accomplishments to come.

“If students succeed,” Rich said, “then the educational institution has done its job well. It's very clear from your General Honors Award that you are succeeding, so I extend my sincere congratulations to you and also my thanks in affirming the success of the University, of which you are an important part.

“Of the more than 6 billion people on this planet, you are among a small fraction that has had the opportunity to attain advanced knowledge,” Rich said. “Your access to scholarship and knowledge is a privilege, and your responsibility is to use that privilege effectively and creatively.”

Rich urged the students to honor their knowledge by passing it on, and said that long-term success includes community involvement. “I hope that you will measure your own success at UD long after you graduate to a large degree by what you do for others, how you help them succeed, and how you help your neighbors and your community succeed,” he said.

Honors Program students receive the General Honors Award in recognition of completing academic challenges and enrichment opportunities in their first two years at the University.

Requirements for the award, which is permanently noted on students' transcripts, include:

  • Completion of 18 credits of honors coursework over the first two years, with a minimum of 12 credits required in the first year--three of which must include an interdisciplinary honors colloquium;
  • Maintenance of a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00;
  • Completion of a minimum of 60 total credits (including advanced placement and/or transfer credits) by the end of the second year, with at least 48 of those credits earned at UD; and
  • Residence in freshman honors housing during the first year at UD.

For a list of the students who were honored, click here.

Article by Becca Hutchinson
Photos by Duane Perry
