Interactively with the Display Manager System (DMS)
With a command file
Interactively in line mode
Standard input/output using pipes and redirects
For the most part in this workshop, we will work with the DMS. But,
to introduce you to all four possibilities, we will do brief
exercises using command files, line mode, and standard I/O. Some may
prefer using command files to using the DMS, but line mode has very
limited application.
The SAS Display Manager System (DMS)
The SAS Display Manager System provides a complete interactive
environment for running SAS. When running SAS with the DMS, there are
three primary screens and numerous additional screens. The three
primary screens are --
program editor
-- SAS editor where SAS commands are typed
- as your program runs, your commands are listed in the log window.
Also, error messages, warnings, and notes are listed here.
-- as your program runs, output from SAS procedures is listed in the
output window
Running SAS with the DMS
To run interactive SAS with the Display Manager (DMS), type --
sas &
This command starts SAS using the DMS. Several windows
open when SAS initiates.
When you start the DMS you are
placed in the program-editor window. To illustrate how to submit a job
in the DMS, type the following commands in the program editor:
The functions of these commands are --
options ls=80; -- sets the
width of output to 80 characters or less
libname lhsas '~larryh/sasnotes'; --
defines a "libref" called lhsas to be
used in the next command. lhsas is
defined as an alias for the UNIX dirctory, ~larryh/sasnotes.
proc contents data=lhsas.gss04; run;
-- instructs SAS to print the contents of a SAS data set called
gss04. It resides in the directory
After typing these commands, select "Run/Submit" or press the F3 key to submit the job. Note what happens in the
program, log and output windows. (Use F7 and
F8, respectively, to move backward and
forward one screen at a time, or use the left mouse button on the
vertical scroll bar.)
By default, the program window empties. This can be avoided by
the F3 key to "submit; recall" and using the
F3 key to submit jobs.
The Log Window repeats the commands
submitted from the Program Editor and adds
annotations, including error diagnostics when the program is not
correct. The Output Window displays the
output from SAS procedures, and sometimes other output.
To print the contents of these windows directly to a UNIX printer, first
edit the print properties. Select --
Go to the "Destination" tab and set it as shown --
The "Destination" dialog indicates to use the UNIX qpr
command and route the window contents to a printer queue named
smips. This is the UNIX printer in Smith Hall.
The names of printer queues for other destinations are listed at the sites,
or see the list online.
The SAS help facility is available through the DMS and from a
browser. But the browser must originate from a IP address.
Before using the DMS version, set your default SAS browser by editing
a file in your home directory named .Xdefaults
Edit the file using pico --
pico ~/.Xdefaults
(Remember the meaning of ~/ )Add the following two
lines --
To use the DMS version, select Help/SAS Help and Documentation.
To access the documentation directly through a web browser, point the
browser to and bookmark
As an exercise, open the SAS help by selecting the link above. Then
Base SAS
Base SAS Procedures Guide
The MEANS Procedure
This gives you a summary of the syntax for the means procedure. To
exit click the in the upper
right corner of the browser or browser tab.
To exit sas, select File/Exit from the Program Editor or type endsas
in the toolbox window.
Command file
The sequence for running SAS from a command file is --
Create the SAS commands in a file with an extension of
.sas -- We will use the pico editor to create command files.
Submit the job by typing --
sas root_name
Note that you do not need to type the extension in the file name
(.sas is assumed)
Review the results - results usually are contained in two files -
root_name.log and
root_name.lst (listing/procedure
output). We will use the pager program called less to review the results. (Note: the first
character in .lst is the letter el, not the
number one (1).)
The thee main files when SAS is run from a command file correspond to
the three primary windows in interactive SAS with the DMS --
pico editor: Create the .sas file -- analogous to the Program editor. The same function is performed
in pico as in the program editor -- compose
SAS commands.
.log file -- analogous to the Log window. The .log
file contains virtually the same information as the Log window in the
.lst file -- analogous to the Output Window. The .lst file contains virtually the same information
as the Output window in the DMS.
Running SAS with a command file ("batch" mode)
To duplicate what we did with interactive SAS, first start the pico editor and type in the same commands as
before. To start pico, type --
This is a UNIX command that starts the pico
editor and instructs it to edit a file named Enter the following commands in the
Notice that most of the commands for the pico
editor are listed at the bottom of the screen. The caret character
(^) stands for the control key. It means to
press the control key, then the character following ^ and hold them down simultaneously for a moment.
^X, for instance, instructs pico to exit. Before it exits, it asks you whether
you want to save the file. Type the letter y. Then press the key in response to the next question.
To illustrate running SAS, type --
The first command, sas contents, runs sas
using the commands in the command file called You don't need to type the
extension (.sas), but it will work if you
do. The second command lists all the files in your current directory.
You should see three files --
The first less command displays
contents.log. on your screen. The second
less command displays
contents.lst on your screen. To maneuver through
a file using less, use the following keys:
Down one full screen
Back one full screen
Down one line
Up one line
Go to bottom of the file
Go to top of the file
Search forward for "<string>"
Search backward for "<string>"
Repeat most recent search going in the same direction
Repeat most recent search going in the opposite direction
Help (q to exit help)
Toggle case sensitive. First use: ignore case differences
in searches. Second use: honor case differences again.
Keys on the same line in column 1 separated by a comma are alternative
keys for the same operation. You can go down one screen by pressing the
spacebar or the d key, for instance. Some
connections to strauss may not support use of the up and down arrows.
If they don't work, use the k and j keys, respectively.
There are a finite number of commands to remember here. If you learn
them, navigating through a file and finding text is much faster
and more convenient than using a mouse.
Do not actually print these files now. If you did want to print
them, you would use the print command, qpr.
Always print both your .log file and
your .lst file, for example --
then fasten them together so you will know what commands
generated the output in the .lst file.
To speed up the work, open two (or more) windows on strauss. Use
pico (or any other UNIX editor) to edit the command file. Run the
program and view the output in the other window. Since unix commands
can be combined onto a single line by separating them with a semicolon
(;), you need type the run and view commands just
once. Then bring them back with the up arrow (when running
T-shell), like this: Start pico in one window, as before --
In the other window, run the job and view both outpu files at the
same time, like this --
sas contents; cat contents.l?? | less
Running SAS in Line Mode
Line-mode execution of SAS rarely is used. Generally, line-mode
execution may be useful if you have few commands, your results will not
fill more than one screen, and you do not need a record of the output.
Line-mode execution is fast.
Line-Mode Execution
Before starting, there are a couple of points to note --
If you type a single quote (') or a
double quote (") and don't
close it before pressing
, type
a matching quote and a semicolon on the current line to close
If you forget the trailing semicolon before pressing
, just
type it on the current line.
Output from SAS commands scrolls across the screen without pausing
between screens.
To run SAS in line mode, type --
sas -nodms
at your UNIX prompt. This starts sas in line mode, without DMS. Now
type in the same program we have run before --
This example illustrates the limitations of the line mode - results
flash across the screen so fast they can't be read.
So, line-mode is useful only for small jobs. Try, for example
libname library '~larryh/sasnotes';
proc means data=lhsas.gss04;
var sex age persinc;
These results are short enough to be read. Sometimes line mode is useful
if you need a number such as a mean or standard deviation to insert into
code you are writing. For instance if you want to create a variable
which is the square of the deviation of personal income from its
overall mean, you might get the mean from an interactive run like
this one and plug the result into your SAS program, like this
persincSq = (persinc-32.9957253)**2;
To exit sas, type --
(Remember the trailing semicolon.)
Running SAS with the stdio Flag
Sometimes it is useful to set the standard I/O flag and pipe
commands into SAS. This can be useful for debugging and particularly in
cases when a program contains many repeats of the same code with some
details changed for each instance. The SAS macro language also is
useful for repetitive program code and is used much more often than a
script. But macros (IMHO) are difficult to debug.
Elementary example piping commands from a file into sas:
cat | sas -stdio |& less
This strategy can be useful for debugging. You don't write any files
until you eliminate all the bugs. And the saslog and listing (procedure
output) are interleaved instead of separated into two files. (The
ampersand (&) stands for something
different here. It stands for the standard-error output device instead
of background running.) SAS writes the saslog to the standard-error
device (stderr) and the listing to the
standard-out device (stdout).