HP DesignJet Z6100 Poster Printing Instructions for a Macintosh

All posters printed on the DesignJet Z6100 Poster Printer are first rendered by an Onyx Graphics print station (RIP). You need to send your PostScript file to the Onyx Graphics RIP to be rendered for the printer. (You can not print directly to the printer.) To be able to send the PostScript file, you must optain the Onyx Graphics printer description file that matches our setup for the HP DesignJet Z6100. Do not use the HP DesignJet Z6100 Printer description file that comes on your Mac.

Download the PPD File

Obtain PPD file

Before you set up your printer for the HP DesignJet Z6100, you must download the Onyx Graphics PostScript printer description file and move it to the correct location on your Macintosh:

  1. Download the PPD file to your desktop.
  2. Move it to your printer resources folder: /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/.

Add the HP DesignJet Z6100 to your printer list

The Adobe PostScript print driver is already installed as part of Mac OS X, and if you have installed the PPD in the correct location, you are ready add the HP DesignJet Z6100 to your printer list.

Use the "Printer Setup Utility" to add the HP DesignJet Z6100 to your printer list. Here is the information you need to know to fill in the form for OS 10.5 and later:

IP Printing  
Protocol: LPD
Queue: HPZ6100_DJRIP
Name: HP DesignJet Z6100
Location: Smith I/O
Print using:

From the dropdown menu select "Other" and browse to the printer resources folder to select the HP DesignJet Z6100 PPD file.


Following is the window as it appears if you have not updated to OS 10.5 (Leopard). Click "Add" to add the HP DesignJet Z6100 to your printer list.

Create your Poster

Design your poster project with the correct paper size using the application of your choice. Below is an example for creating a poster using PowerPoint. Although Powerpoint was not designed for poster production, many people have the product and are happy with its results.

Create a project in Powerpoint

The HP Z6100 prints documents converted to PostScript files as they pass through the Onyx RIP station.

Preview Your Poster

There are two options for previewing your poster:

Print Your Poster

Once you have previewed your file, you have two options for printing it:
Note: If your page-size height is less than 42", turn transverse printing on. To do this:
  1. From the File menu of your application, click "Print."
  2. Select the "HPZ6100_DJRIP" printer.
  3. From the "Copies & Pages" pull-down menu, select "Printer Features."
  4. On the "Printer Features" screen, from the "Feature Sets" pull-down menu, select "Set 1."
  5. From the "Print Transverse" pull-down menu, select "On." 
    You can select "Copies and Pages" from the pull-down menu to choose more options or
  6. Click "OK" to print your poster through the Onyx Graphics print station (RIP).

    After you send your poster to the printer, you will have to release the print job to have the poster printed.

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Last updated: January, 2010
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