NOTE: This software and these directions are ONLY for use with Virex 7.7 and Mac OS X versions 10.2 through 10.4. This software will not work with earlier or later versions of the Macintosh operating system. If your computer runs a different version of the Macintosh operating system, go to the McAfee for Macintosh page and select the appropriate version of McAfee's anti-virus software.
- Click to download Virex 7.7 for Macintosh OS X.
- If asked, choose to save the file on your computer's desktop.
- Depending on how you have your computer set up, the downloaded file may self-extract and create a folder (McAfee_Virex77) on your desktop. Inside this folder, double-click the McAfee_Virex7.7.dmg file to create a McAfee Virex 7.7 disk image on your computer's desktop.
McAfee_Virex77 McAfee_Virex7.7 .dmg Virex disk image
If the downloaded Virex 7.7 file does not self-extract, use the Stuffit Expander application to extract the downloaded file.
- Double-click the Virex disk image.
- Double-click the Virex Uninstall.command to uninstall any previous version. Follow the prompts from the uninstaller to complete the process.
- Double-click on the Virex.pkg icon to start installing the newer version of Virex. Follow the prompts from the installer to complete the installation of the new version of Virex.
You will be required to restart your Mac to complete the installation. The installer will put the Virex application in the Applications folder on your hard drive.
Note: At the Authenticate step, authorize changes by entering the administrator password. This is the password that you created for the Administrator account when you installed the operating system or turned on the computer for the very first time.
- Virex 7.7 contains an error in which it sometimes gives a error message that updates have failed when they have, in fact, succeeded. McAfee has released a "Hot Fix" to correct this problem. Follow these directions for installing the Hotfix for Virex 7.7 to correct this problem.
- After your computer has restarted, your computer may try to connect to the internet to check for and download the latest updates.
You can manually update your copy of Virex 7.7 by following these steps:
- Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet. If you are on-campus and your computer is registered for Internet access and connected to the campus network, you are all set. If you are off-campus, dial-in to UD or connect to your ISP.
- Launch Virex 7.7.
- Note the eUpdate date shown in the Virex 7.7 window.
- If Virex didn't automatically check for current updates, click the eUpdate portion of the icon bar towards the bottom of the Virex window.
Note: At the Authenticate step, enter the administrator password. This is the password that was created for the account when the operating system was installed.
- After you are done installing and/or updating Virex 7.7, remove any Virex associated .gz, .dmg, or .pkg files from your computer.
Go to Virex page for UD Users
Go to UD McAfee Anti-Virus Home Page
Go to UDeploy Software Web Site.
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Last updated: October 3, 2007
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