Submit grades : Reconcile Mismatches

Grade List Screen

Each line in the Grade List screen displays studentUD student identification number, letter grade for the course, and student name, in that order. When you are satisfied that they all are correct, select the "Submit" button to send them to the Registrar. Note: A grade is required for every student before you can submit your grades.

There are two ways to assign grades to students: (1) Type them in the Grade List screen, and (2) read them from a file.

Entering Grades in the Grade List Screen

If you did not designate a grade file ('G') on the File List screen, you may type the grades in the Grade List screen. BE SURE TO PRESS RETURN AFTER EACH ENTRY. Grades are not recored until you do.

Reading Grades from a Grade File

If you designated a grade file ('G') on the File List screen, grades from that file are assigned to students appearing in the roster file by matching UD student identification numbers. Hence, there may be some students who are not matched. There are several ways that a mismatch may occur between your roster file and your grade file.

  1. A student is missing from your grade file: Just type the correct letter grade beside the student's name and UD student identification number.
  2. A student is missing from your roster file: This submit program will submit a grade for students not appearing in the roster file. You will be prompted for a section and course id. Problems: Contact the University Registrar (831-2131,
  3. The UD student identification number for one or more students is incorrect in your roster file: This is not likely, but it is possible. Exit this program by selecting 'Cncl/Spnd' from the main menu. Then contact the University Registrar (831-2131,
  4. The UD student identification number for one or more students is incorrect in your grade file, but the student does appear in both files.
In case 4, mismatched students appear at the top of your grade list. In most instances the line from the roster file and from your grade file should be adjacent lines. For mismatches, lines originating in the roster file are marked on the right by 'Roster', and lines originating from your grade file are marked by 'Grade'. Transfer the letter grade from the 'Grade' line to the 'Roster' line, then delete the 'Grade' line by typing a 'd' under the "Delete" column.

If the student's name is spelled differently in your roster file than in your grade file, it is possible that the same student from the two files will not appear on adjacent lines in the grade list. In this case, you must locate the student from both sources to transfer the grade from the 'Grade' line to the 'Roster' line and delete the 'Grade' line.


The buttons for the Grade List screen are --

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