University of

MSC Nastran/Patran



The steps to run MSC Nastran and Patran on Strauss are presented below. This is not a tutorial on Nastran or Patran and is only meant to supply the minimum number of steps to initiate their execution. Please consult the online Nastran documentation and Patran documentation for complete information.


Nastran non-interactive execution

The following command will start Nastran

     nastran input_data_file 

where input_data_file is the name of your Nastran input data file with .dat extension. For example, the same results can be produced for ex1.dat as described in the Nastran graphical execution by typing

     % nastran ex1

The output displayed will be similar to the following

     MD Nastran V2006.0 (SUN SPARC SunOS 5.9) Thu Feb  1 14:30:36 2007

     *** USER WARNING MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: validate_lcl_keywords)
         The disk identified by "dbs=." is remotely mounted.

         This could result in significant elapsed time penalties.

     *** SYSTEM INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
         Starting ESTIMATE, please wait...

     *** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
         Estimated DOF=3
         Estimated memory=32.0MB
         Estimated disk=1.2MB
     MD Nastran beginning job ex1.  PID: 17969.

A successful job will produce a set of files like this one:

      % ls ex1.*
      ex1.DBALL   ex1.dat     ex1.f06     ex1.pch
      ex1.MASTER  ex1.f04     ex1.log


NOTE: The output files will be created in the directory where you started Nastran, not necessarily the directory where the data file resides. Therefore, it is a good idea to create a separate directory for each run, and cd to that directory before running Nastran. If the output files already exist when Nastran tries to create them, it will name the new output files by appending a number to the filenames (e.g. ex1.f01.1, ex1.f04.2)


Nastran interactive (graphical) execution

The steps described here invoke the "interactive" (graphical) mode of Nastran. You must be at a Sun Ray terminal or running an X server package (such as Cygwin or Exceed) order to run Nastran interactively. This interactive version of Nastran may not be available in future releases. Alternatively, you can run Nastran in non-interactive mode.


Patran interactive

Patran is a graphical-only program - there is no "non-interactive" mode as there is in Nastran. You must be at a Sun Ray terminal or running an X server package (such as Cygwin or Exceed) order to run Patran.


Nastran documentation

Nastran documentation can be viewed on the web at

NOTE: This documentation is only viewable by University of Delaware users with a valid UDelNet ID and password. When prompted to login, type your UDelNet ID and password.


Patran documentation


If you still need help

If you need help quickly, call the University of Delaware's IT Help Center at 831-6000 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Or you can submit a question via a web request form or e-mail.


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Last updated: March 27, 2007
This page maintained by anita.
Copyright © University of Delaware 2007.