1 Welcome to PLT Scheme
2 Scheme Essentials
3 Built-In Datatypes
4 Expressions and Definitions
5 Programmer-Defined Datatypes
6 Modules
7 Contracts
8 Input and Output
9 Regular Expressions
10 Exceptions and Control
11 Iterations and Comprehensions
12 Pattern Matching
13 Classes and Objects
14 Units (Components)
15 Reflection and Dynamic Evaluation
16 Macros
17 Performance
18 Running and Creating Executables
19 Compilation and Configuration
20 More Libraries
Version: 4.0.2


14.4 First-Class Units

The define-unit form combines define with a unit form, similar to the way that (define (f x) ....) combines define followed by an identifier with an implicit lambda.

Expanding the shorthand, the definition of toy-store@ could almost be written as

  (define toy-store@


     (import toy-factory^)

     (export toy-store^)


     (define inventory null)


     (define (store-color) 'green)


A difference between this expansion and define-unit is that the imports and exports of toy-store@ cannot be inferred. That is, besides combining define and unit, define-unit attaches static information to the defined identifier so that its signature information is available statically to define-values/invoke-unit/infer and other forms.

Despite the drawback of losing static signature information, unit can be useful in combination with other forms that work with first-class values. For example, we could wrap a unit that creates a toy store in a lambda to supply the store’s color:

  ; In "toy-store-maker.ss":

  #lang scheme


  (require "toy-store-sig.ss"



  (define toy-store@-maker

    (lambda (the-color)


      (import toy-factory^)

      (export toy-store^)


      (define inventory null)


      (define (store-color) the-color)


      ; the rest is the same as before


      (define (maybe-repaint t)

        (if (eq? (toy-color t) (store-color))


            (repaint t (store-color))))


      (define (stock! n)

        (set! inventory

              (append inventory

                      (map maybe-repaint

                           (build-toys n)))))


      (define (get-inventory) inventory))))


  (provide toy-store@-maker)

To invoke a unit created by toy-store@-maker, we must use define-values/invoke-unit, instead of the /infer variant:

  > (require "simple-factory-unit.ss")

  > (define-values/invoke-unit/infer simple-factory@)

  Factory started.

  > (require "toy-store-maker.ss")

  > (define-values/invoke-unit (toy-store@-maker 'purple)

      (import toy-factory^)

      (export toy-store^))

  > (stock! 2)

  > (get-inventory)

  (#(struct:toy purple) #(struct:toy purple))

In the define-values/invoke-unit form, the (import toy-factory^) line takes bindings from the current context that match the names in toy-factory^ (the ones that we created by invoking simple-factory@), and it supplies them as imports to toy-store@. The (export toy-store^) clause indicates that the unit produced by toy-store@-maker will export toy-store^, and the names from that signature are defined after invoking the unit.

To link a unit from toy-store@-maker, we can use the compound-unit form:

  > (require "store-specific-factory-unit.ss")

  > (define toy-store+factory@



       (export TF TS)

       (link [((TF : toy-factory^)) store-specific-factory@ TS]

             [((TS : toy-store^)) toy-store@ TF])))

This compound-unit form packs a lot of information into one place. The left-hand-side TF and TS in the link clause are binding indentifiers. The identifier TF is essentially bound to the elements of toy-factory^ as implemented by store-specific-factory@. The identifier TS is similarly bound to the elements of toy-store^ as implemented by toy-store@. Meanwhile, the elements bound to TS are supplied as imports for store-specific-factory@, since TS follows store-specific-factory@. The elements bound to TF are similarly supplied to toy-store@. Finally, (export TF TS) indicates that the elements bound to TF and TS are exported from the compound unit.

The above compound-unit form uses store-specific-factory@ as a first-class unit, even though its information could be inferred. Every unit can be used as a first-class unit, in addition to its use in inference contexts. Also, various forms let a programmer bridge the gap between inferred and first-class worlds. For example, define-unit-binding binds a new identifier to the unit produced by an arbitrary expression; it statically associates signature information to the identifier, and it dynamically checks the signatures against the first-class unit produced by the expression.