What does the Serf product contain?

When an institution orders a copy of Serf, you will receive the following materials: 

  • Serf classes.  The server side of Serf is written in 100% Java.  When you order a copy of Serf, you will receive the Serf classes, which execute on your Server's Java Virtual Machine.
  • Serf Web site.  Serf ships with a Web site full of icons and logos for use with Serf.  While you can totally customize all of these items to create your own look and feel, it is possible to use Serf as is without changing any of the icons or logos.
  • Sample course.  Shipped with Serf is a sample course that you can use as a model for creating other courses, and to demonstrate the capabilities of Serf.
  • System manual.  A detailed manual of operations describes how Serf works, and how to backup the database.
  • Instructor guide.  An instructor guide contains a step-by-step tutorial on creating course syllabi and using the faculty side of Serf to communicate with students, review and grade assignments, and use multimedia with Serf.
  • Jumpstart pamphlet.  We have created a jumpstart pamplet that explains to the students how to get started using Serf.  You will receive the word processor file of the student jumpstart pamphlet.  By modifying this file to suit local conditions, you can easily print an attractive jumpstart pamphlet for your students.
What will you need to provide?

The institution that installs Serf will need to provide the following items: 

  • Server.  The server is the computer on which Serf runs.  Serf was developed under Windows NT, and at the moment, Serf has not been tested on any other operating systems.  Therefore, your Serf server should be running the Windows NT operating system.
  • SQL database.  Just as the Serf code is 100% Java, so also is the Serf database 100% SQL.  While Serf should work with any SQL database that follows the latest release of SQL (ANSI/ISO standard SQL-92), so far we have only tested it with Microsoft SQL Server, which is what we recommend you use.
  • Serf system administrator.  Someone at your institution who is familiar with Web servers will need to assume the role of Serf system administrator.  While Serf is very easy to run, it doesn't run all by itself.  Someone needs to be in charge of allocating resources and backing up the database.  That person is known as the Serf system administrator.
You may now find out about future plans for Serf, or return to the Serf home page for other options. 
Serf® is a registered trademark of the University of Delaware