Welcome to the Serf home page! Serf is a Web-based distance education environment developed at the University of Delaware by Professor Fred T. Hofstetter. As you can see in the picture at the top of this page, Serf is an acronym that stands for server-side educational records facilitator. It’s your servant on the Internet; hence the name Serf. Serf provides an environment for delivering courses anywhere in the
world, using the World Wide Web as a distance education medium. Serf
makes it possible to create and deliver courses in a self-paced multimedia
learning environment that enables students to navigate a syllabus, access
instructional resources, communicate, and submit assignments over the Web
in unique and powerful ways. Instructors can easily access and grade
the assignments via the Serf gradebook. At any time, students can
click a button to see a report of their progress in a course, along with
comments from ther instructor and a prediction of their final grade. To
learn more about Serf, click one of these: