Page 7 - UD Research Magazine Vol5-No2
P. 7
Katalin Takacs Haynes, associate
professor of management, and her collaborators are studying CEO greed.
Research All-Stars field new findings
The research never ends at the University of Delaware as hundreds of “Summer Scholars” can attest. Students from all seven colleges used the summer months to build momentum in their studies by working with a faculty mentor and other researchers or teaming up with a community-based agency in a service-learning project.
They explored everything from Jamaica’s dancehall music to how optics can provide navigational aid in thick fog or smoky conditions, the difference in how assault victims report crimes to police in the United States, Argentina and
South Africa, and how the visual arts can enhance third-grade English curriculum.
They served international refugees living in Baltimore, analyzed the water quality of Brandywine Creek, studied
how bone pain from metastatic prostate cancer might be addressed and looked for ways to keep dairy cattle feed from spoiling.
They investigated the mechanics of fuel cell membranes, evaluated rectangular room acoustics, learned about zooplankton and analyzed an array of chemical and biological reactions, interactions, causes, effects, synthetics, cata-
lytics and mathematical calculations too numerous to portray here.
In mid-August, the University hosted its sixth annual “Celebratory Symposium,” where
more than 400 students spent a day at the Patrick Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) Lab explaining details of their work and where it might lead. Students from
almost three dozen other institutions participated, visiting from such schools as Amherst, Columbia, Cornell, Delaware State, Duke, Georgia State, Western Oregon, Penn State and
Rochester, to name a few.
“This is the University of Delaware at its best,” said Iain Crawford, director of Undergraduate
Research and Experiential Learning. “And this is our favorite day of the year. A lot of what they do is invisible to us—they’re off in their labs or with community partners. This is one day where
we all get together and see the amazing work everyone has been doing.”—Beth Miller
Catch our lineup on Pinterest www.pinterest. com/udelaware/ research-all-stars/ |5