James M. Jones

Ph.D., Yale University, 1970

Department of Psychology
Phone: Office (302) 831-2489: Lab 831-1140: Fax (302) 831-3645

Office: Room 224C Wolf Hall 

Research Interests

Professor Jones' major interests are in the analyses of cultural and racial diversity in the social context of delimited, ethnocentric power structures and the consequences of such socio-political arrangements for the emergence of Black Personality. These interests focus on prejudice and racism in the United States; the second-class status or race and culture as variables in social psychological research; the development of theory and research in Black Psychology; and the dynamics of Black Personality structure and development.

The second major area of work is in the social psychology of time. That interest is concerned with individual orientations toward the past, present and future, and how those differences in temporal perspective may influence the development of achievement motivations and personal expressive styles. This interest also involves determining how cognitive and emotional factors influence the perception of the passage of time.

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