::Linear Programming AppletUsing Technology to Teach Sensitivity AnalysisProblem: New technology can help faculty members improve the way they present concepts and the way in which students assimilate material. In searching for a dynamic method for teaching Sensitivity Analysis to her undergraduate students, Dr. Chris Kydd worked with Brian Hawthorne and others from PRESENT, the University of Delaware's Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, to develop a web-based tool for presenting linear programming materials. Approach: A web-based Java applet now provides Kydd and the other operations faculty in the College of Business and Economics with an improved method of conveying this information in the classroom. To understand sensitivity analysis, students must clearly see how changes in the the equations of the problem alter the graphical presentation of the solution. This is frequently difficult with traditional static materials like overhead transparencies. Also, because this applet is available on the web, students have access to it outside the classroom Product: Java applet web version |