Janet HethornCreating Time and Space for Student Presentations in a Large ClassJanet Hethorn, Fashion and Apparel Studies, wanted her students to create online visual books in her course, "Seeing and Being in a Visual World." Previously her students handed in printed books that she alone reviewed. Now she uses MyCourses student presentation tool to allow students to post web pages that analyze the visual elements of photographs. Using this tool, Hethorn's students are able to collaborate and share their work with the whole class. "I wanted the students to be able to share their findings with other students, but with a class of about 100 students, I knew I needed a technology-based solution. But, I wasn't clear about how to proceed. When I started, I didn't even know that MyCourses had the tool that I needed," Hethorn said. This tool creates the space and time for student presentations outside of the normal class time. Using this feature opens up the additional possibility of archiving the best examples of student work and using them to set high standards for students in subsequent semesters. As the number of educators developing technology-based tools increases, the availability of tools also increases. Current technologies such as MyCourses—the online learning management system used at UD—make it easier for faculty to explore new dynamics in how students spend time on their course work, both in and out of the classroom. This thumbnail image is linked to a full-size screen image of a sample project page. Return to Faculty Profiles Page |
"I wanted the students to be able to share their findings with other students, but with a class of about 100 students, I knew I needed a technology-based solution." —Janet Hethorn |
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