Thanks for stopping by my site on the World Wide Web.
As with most websites it is constantly under construction.
Expect things to change!
The exciting thing about the World Wide Web is that it
allows all of us to effortlessly share information, ideas
and resources. This homepage will serve as a link to my
various web projects.
I manage WVUD
here at the University of
Delaware. In addition to information about the radio
station, the WVUD site contains links to other radio
stations as well as other areas of interest covered by our
programs. I am also an adjunct faculty member of the
of Communication here at the University of Delaware,
where I teach a course in Radio Programming
and Production.
I worked on the Student
Life Division homepage and manage the Student
Almanac, a listing of "student life" resources.
If youd like to know more about my professional
experience, see my online resume.
In response to numerous requests I noticed in 1994 on the
Internet from people seeking to include the contributions of
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people of African
Descent in their Black History Month celebrations, I
compiled the Blacklist.
It is called the "Blacklist" for two reasons both of which
are obvious. First, the people listed are of African
descent, black. Second, unfortunately some members of the
black community have sought to disavow the contributions,
identities, or worth of many of the people listed here.
While the original site still remains, the Blacklist is now
part of the expanded BlackStripe
where you can now purchase books by and about many of the
people on the Blacklist.
I am also a member of Alpha Phi Alpa Fraternity, Inc. I
serve as secretary for the Gamma Theta
Lambda chapter in Wilmington, DE. I was inactive for six
years. I told my story in
An Alpha Speaks.
My younger brother Stanley Jerome Tarver died in 1994. He
was a scholar, an artist and someone who tried to teach me
not to rush through life. I think he is still trying to
teach me. I miss him very much. Here are two poems he wrote:
Black Gold and Retentions.
I am also part owner of Spectrum
Broadcasting a California-based Black and Latino owned
radio syndication company designed to serve the urban
market. Our first program Smooth
Weekend is set to launch in February of 2000.
I hope you enjoy browsing these pages and making the
links to wherever they may
take you. Please feel free to send comments to Chuck
If youre one of those nosey folks who likes to peek
into peoples test files, Ill let you take a look
at my various projects in various stages. PEEK1|
Thank you
Chuck Tarver
WVUD/ University of DE
Newark, DE 19716
voice: (302) 831-2701
fax: (302) 831-1399
voice mail: (302) 831-4000 box 80380
1314 W7th Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3223
(302) 571-9516
A major project I worked on is The
Expanded site
Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans website.
Blacks for Bush,
cuz he's so deserving.
SGLPOC Webring
Participants in this webring are each responsible for the
content of their own sites. My participation in the webring
is not an endorsement of the contents of any other site.