NearCoM integrates the wave model SWAN [Booij et al., 1999] and the quasi-3D nearshore circulation model SHORECIRC. The quasi-3D circulation model incorporates the effect of wave on the vertical structure of current [Svendsen and Putrevu 1994]. 1) A new code of SHORECIRC applies a hybrid method combining the finite-volume and finite-difference TVD-type scheme [Toro, 2009]. The TVD-type scheme has been demonstrated to be stable and robust in modeling wave breaking and moving shorelines in the most recent development of the fully-nonlinear Boussinesq model [FUNWAVE-TVD, Shi et al., 2011a, 2011b]. 2) SWAN is a spectral wave model which solves the wave action balance equation. The wave model SWAN was integrated with SHORECIRC and expand its applicability to inner shelf and river/inlet [Shi et al. 2011]. Some preliminary results can be found in Chen et al.(2012) presented at OS 2012.
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