Posc/Uapp 815

Assignment 3



Student Number___________________

(Social Security Number)


  1. Voting turnout. Despite efforts to ensure voting rights in all parts of the country and despite the spread of industrialization and urbanization throughout the United States, participation in elections--voting turnout--continues to vary by region. Or does it? Use the voting data from the Statistical Abstract of the United States to compare turnout in the four major areas defined by the Census Bureau: Northeast, South Midwest, and West. Do not compare sub-regions.

    1. First, draw stem-and-leaf displays (by hand) for the percent of voting-age population that voted in 1994 of each of the four regions. Your four displays should be neatly labeled and attached to this sheet.
    2. Now, answer provide this information:
Northeast South Midwest West
Lower hinge
Upper hinge


      1. You can obtain the means simply by looking at the data. The other statistics have to be calculated from the stem-and-leaf displays.
      2. Note: please do your scratch calculations on a separate sheet, which you may or may not want to turn in.

  1. The notes for class 6 contain data pertaining to per capita energy consumption. We have already seen a stem-and-leaf display for the 1993 numbers. Draw a similar one for the 1990 data. Do this by hand and attach.
    1. What is the median per capita consumption in 1990? ______________
    2. What about 1993? _____________________
    3. Was there the variation in usage the same in both years? Supply some information that helps answer. _________________________________________________


  1. Based on problem 3-19 in Agresti and Finlay, Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences. "The Human Development Index (HDI) has three components: life expectancy at birth, educational attainment, and income. It ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values representing greater development." Here are the index scores for 33 African nations.
Country HDI Country HDI Country HDI Country HDI
Libya .768 Tunisia .763 Algeria .732 S. Africa .705
Egypt .613 Namibia .611 Gabon .579 Morocco .554
Zimbabwe .539 Congo .538 Swaziland .522 Cameroon .503
Ghana .482 Kenya .481 Zambia .425 Nigeria .406
Zaire. .384 Sudan .379 Ivory Coast .369 Tanzania .364
Central African Rep.







Liberia .325 Gambia .299 Chad .296 Angola .291
Burundi .286 Somalia .246 Mozambique .246 Ethiopia .227
Mali .222

    1. Draw a stem-and-leaf display for these data and attach. You might also compare yours with one MINITAB prepares, but it not necessary. (Drop the final decimal digit.)
    2. What is the shape of the distribution? _____________________________
    3. What is the median index?________________
    4. What is the lower hinge? ___________ The upper hinge? _____________
    5. What is the range? ___________________________________

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