Posc 105

Announcements and Bulletin Board

You'll find important announcements about readings, quizzes, tests, extra crdit, and other matters here, so make a point of visiting frequently.

Look below for specific announcements.

My office is 434 Smith Hall.

The main political science office is in 347 Smith.

Make sure that you read the syllabus carefully

Bring or send assignments to 347 Smith Hall, not my office.

Keep up with the work. Incompletes quickly turn in to Fs.

E-mail if you need help or assistance.

Check you e-mail regularly.

Poltical Science 302 page

H. T. Reynolds

Copyright © 1999 H. T. Reynolds
This Home Page was created by WebEdit,Tuesday, September 1, 1999
Most recent revision Monday, September 20, 1999