Posc 150

Can People Be trusted With Real Power?

A Chance for A Little Extra Credit

President Bush has announced that the United States will withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) and begin construction of a missile defense system. He and his administration made this decision on their own without asking for or receiving any kind of permission from Congress or the Supreme Court. It is a open question whether a president can unilaterally withdraw from a treaty that the senate has ratified. But no matter. The issue raises this question. Why couldn't this decision be made by the American people in a national referendum? After all, since the matter doesn't have to be settled immediately–it can wait perhaps six months or more–the decision could presumably be publically debated and decided by popular referendum. But many individuals, including numerous prominent scholars, feel leaving this momentous decision to the electorate would be very unwise. Instead, it should be made by experienced, qualified leaders like the president and his staff who are accountable to the people but who have room to exercise their judgment. Apart from logistical problems (counting ballots, for example), what (if anything) would be wrong with letting the voters make the policy directly? Note: this extra credit essay does not ask you to evaluate the policy options nor analyze the legality of the president's actions. It only asks that you write an essay explaining why the public as a whole should or should not decide fundamental issues like the ABM Treaty. Make sure that you support your argument with specific points. The more sophisticated or well thought out the case the better. Convince me that average American citizens are or are not (potentially) capable of making this type of decision.

To get much credit, if any, you have to think about the topic. You can't just sit down at your typewriter the night before the assignment is due. Believe me I can tell thoughtful from top-of-the-head essays. Note, for example, I won't be impressed with just the claim that "Americans don't have the necessary experience in foreign affairs" because George Bush himself was not and is still not an expert in this area and yet he gets to decide. So if the people's lack of experience disqualifies them, explain exactly why.

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