Teacher:  Rachel Moyer (now Leibrandt)                Date:  Wednesday, 4/30/03

Observer:  Principal                                                   Grade:  3, Math

                                                                                    Time:  9:00



Planning:  Lesson plans are written for the week.  The objective states:  Students will write a fiction story.



Instructional Technique:

            This observation is an overview of the Writing Workshop process established by the Red House team of teachers.  The procedure for the start of class is that for the students to review the steps of the writing process and what each step entails.  Ms Moyer has a bulletin board that reinforces this process and lists criteria and examples.  A file box on the side of the room consists of the various stages on color-coded forms.  Students take from this box as needed.  Ms. Moyer reviews the elements of fiction writing and turns on a tape recorder that plays soft, upbeat music.  Since the students’ work is self-paced, there are various writing stages going on simultaneously.  Ms. Moyer moves to the back of the classroom where she is setup up to conference individually with students.  Students are working quietly at their desks immersed in their work.  Those students who are waiting for a conference have independently chosen other class work that needs to be completed in other areas.     

            Ms. Moyer calls out that it is almost sharing time and she asks individual students if they would like to share their work.  Students have the option of declining to share without pressure.  Students are able to share any of their written work.  Students are reminded where to place materials and then asked to move to the rug.  A student takes a seat in the “author’s chair.”

            Jonathan reads a piece that he has written.  Students sit quietly listening to his story.  When he has finished reading, the students clap and then individual students ask questions or give comments to Jonathan with respect to the story.

            The questions and comments generated by the students were thoughtful and appropriate.  This same procedure continued until all of the students who had agreed had the opportunity to share their story.

            The lesson was interrupted by a fire drill.


Commendations/ Recommendations