Reading Workshop Schedule

Reading Workshop Schedule

Explanation of Icons

11:20 - 11:50
11:50 - 12:10 and 1:00 - 1:10
1:10 - 1:40
The green group meets with me. 
The green group practices buddy reading and then reads independently.
The green group completes Workboard activities.
The red group practices buddy reading and then reads independently. 
The red group completes Workboard activities.
The red group meets with me. 
The yellow group completes Workboard activities.
The yellow group meets with me.  The yellow group practices buddy reading and then reads independently. 

This chart works very well with the students because the icons remind them of what they need to do.  I put the responsibility on the students and this helps them develop independent work habits.  The reason we have to break during the second block is because the students leave for lunch and recess.  I plan to have the yellow group's lesson split because they can handle the break in their instruction.  It is too difficult for the other groups to have a break during their instruction. 

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