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  Foreign Language Media Center
University of Delaware
How to Configure Netscape Gold 3.01 So That You Can Send Netscape Mail.

NOTE: The Foreign Language Media Center is the only computing site on the University of Delaware campus that allows you to send Netscape Mail from the local computer. All other sites require you to use NetscapeMail from your Unix (i.e. copland) account. These instructions will work in the Media Center and on computers in your dorm room or home. They will not work at the other public computing sites.

  1. Open Netscape from the Communications folder. Click Options on the menu bar at the top. A menu will drop down from which you can highlight and select Mail and News Preferences, as pictured above.



  3. You will see a dialog box labeled Preferences. At the Your Name field, type your given name. At the Your Email field, type your full Unix email address. Leave the Reply-to-Address field blank unless you want to have replies come to a different email address than what is specified in the Your Name field:




    In the example shown above, Your Name is "Jane F. Doe", Your Email is and Reply-to-Address is the same.

  5. While the Preferences dialog box is still open, click the Servers tab at the top. Make sure that Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server and Incoming Mail (POP3) Server are set to Leave the other settings along. Leave the POP3 User Name blank. Your Servers settings should look like this:
  1. Click the OK button to save your settings and return to the Netscape browser. You may now send email using Netscape mail. Spanish 105, 106 and 107 students can now send email to their instructor from their class web page.