Sra. Stacey Hendrix
M.A., Spanish Language, Literature and Pedagogy
Colorado State University

B.A. with Distinction, Spanish
University of Delaware

Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

    Office:  30 W. Del Ave #102            302-831-3388

Fall 2004 

MWF  9:05-9:55
Ewg 204
MWF 12:20-1:10
Smi 221
Span 200-015
Spanish Grammar and Compositon
MWF  2:30-3:20
Prn 327
 Spanish Grammar and Composition
MWF  3:35-4:25
Prn 325
Office hours
MWF 10:10-11:00
30 W. Del Ave #102
Final Exam Schedule

Winter 2005  Span 107 Coordinator

Spring 2005

Memberships/Committees Interests

Undergradate Reception 10/14/04
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