March 15-16, 2002

Perkins Center/Gore Hall

University of Delaware

Newark, Delaware 19716

Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies

Executive Council

Judy B. McInnis, University of Delaware (President)

David Sheinen, Trent University (Vice President, President Elect)

Hannah Stewart-Gambino, Lehigh University (Past President)

Frank Gunter, Lehigh University (Treasurer)

(Judy B. McInnis -- Acting Treasurer, 2002)

Gladys M. Ilarregui, University of Delaware

Robert O. Kirkland, United States Military Academy

Sister Consuelo Sparks, Immaculata College

Brian Turner, Randolph Macon University

Program Co-Chairs

Site Director: Judy B. McInnis, University of Delaware

Program Director: Gladys M. Ilarregui, University of Delaware


Reid Graham, Library of Congress

María Riegger, Georgetown University

MACLAS: Latin American Essays

Judy B. McInnis, Managing Editor, University of Delaware

Vera Reber, Editor, Shippensburg University

Christina Turner, Editor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Friday, March 15, Perkins Student Center

Registration 12:00-5:00 p.m., Lobby of Perkins

Session One 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Panel A: "Perspectivas sobre el caciquismo en las obras de Rulfo, Fuentes y Echeverría". Chair: Fátima Correa Flores, University of Delaware.

Perkins: Alumni Room

"Pedro Páramo y Artemio Cruz: retrato de una realidad social". Yolanda Martínez- Navarro, University of Delaware.

"Un análisis del machismo y caciquismo en Pedro Páramo y La muerte de Artemio Cruz". Angela Trani, University of Delaware

"El naturalismo bajo un caudillo: la perspectiva, las metáforas, la política de El matadero". Emily Rose Frankenberg, University of Delaware.

"Caciquismo: estructura de poder en México". Fátima Correa Flores, University of Delaware.

Panel B: "La literatura de la revolución mexicana: arquetipos y técnicas narrativas". Chair : Emily Pulik, University of Delaware.

Perkins: Collins Room

"Arquetipos femeninos y relaciones entre sexos en tres obras de la época de la revolución mexicana." Emma Bricker, University of Delaware.

" Comunicación y soledad: lenguaje y técnicas narrativas en Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo". Marta Cabrera- Serrano, University of Delaware.

"Susana San Juan: el barroco o neobarroco en Pedro Páramo". Chad A. Rice, University of Delaware.

Panel C: "Honduras, Cuba, and the OAS: Countries and Institutions under a New Scope." Chair: Clarence Zuvekas

Perkins: Ewing Room

"Honduras: Poverty Reduction Strategy." Clarence Zuvekas, Independent Scholar.

"The Democratic Governance of the Organization of American States." Francis Adams, Old Dominion University.

"Does Race Matter among Cuban Inmigrants?" Benigno E. Aguirre, University of Delaware, and Eduardo Bonilla Silva, Texas A&M University.

Session Two: 3:15- 4:45 PM

Panel A: "Escritoras argentinas contemporáneas: la producción violenta". Chair: Judy McInnis, University of Delaware.

Perkins: Collins Room

"Pobreza y violencia en tres narraciones de escritoras argentinas". Zulema Moret, Albion College.

"Mireya Kéller and El tren de los muertos." Judy McInnis, University of Delaware.

"Prostitución y economía en La Gringa de Gloria Pampillo". Celia Espulgas, West Chester University.

"The emergent Voice of Eroticism in Posmodernista Poetry." Barbara Ware, University of Delaware.

Panel B: The War , The Cold War and the Post Cold War

Perkins: Ewing Room

"Rethinking Argentine- United States Cold War Relations." David Sheinin, Trent University.

"Mapping Latin America Security in the Post- Cold War Era." Bartosz Stanislawsky, Syracuse University.

"Crueldad y territorialización en la Colombia posmoderna". José Antonio Figueroa, Georgetown University.

Panel C: "Territorialization, Immigration and Languages in Latin America."

Chair: Brian Turner, Randolph-Macon College.

"México y la (in) migración republicana tras la Guerra Civil española". José Angel Sainz, Mary Washington College.

"Regional Variation and Local Identity in Puerto Rico." Elizabeth Dayton, University of Puerto Rico: Mayagües.

"Guarani Language Usage in the Trilogy by Roa Bastos." Brian Turner, Randolph Macon College, and Christina Turner, Virginia Commonwealth University.

5:00 – 6:00 PM: "Guatemalan Immigration in Southern Delaware." Mark Miller, University of Delaware. Illustrated with Photographs by Michael Oates on display in the Perkins Gallery. (This lecture is sponsored by the Delaware Humanities Forum.)

Perkins: Ewing Room

6:00- 7:00 PM: Reception (Perkins Gallery)

7:00- 9:00 PM: Banquet. Keynote Speaker: Debra Castillo, Cornell University. "Stories of Arrival: Constructing the U.S. Latino Identity".

Perkins: Rodney Room

9:00- 10:30 PM: Poetry & Narrative Readings

Mireya Kéller, Radio Cultural, Argentina; Zulema Moret, Albion College; Gladys Ilarregui, University of Delaware; Hernán Galilea, Temple University.

Perkins: Ewing Room

Saturday, March 16th 2002: Gore Hall

Registration: Gore Hall: 8:00-3:30 p.m.

8:00 AM: Continental Breakfast. Gore Hall, Second Floor Rotunda Lobby.

Session One: 8:30-10:00 AM

Panel A: "Social Movements, Revolutions and Transitions." Chair: Hannah Stewart-Gambino, Lehigh University.

Gore Hall 217

"After the Revolution: Nicaragua." Katherine Borland, Ohio State University.

" Social Movements in Mexican Transition to Democracy." John Stolle-McAllister, University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

"Social Movement Downtown?: Women Activists from Base Christian Communities in Brazil and Chile." Hannah Stewart-Gambino, Lehigh University.

Panel B: "El universo de la inmigración y la transculturación en el terreno de la narración histórica y literaria". Chair: Elizabeth Espadas, Wesley College.

Gore Hall 204.

"The Notion of Space and Self in Sandra Cisnero’s The House of Mango Street. " Nabanita Ghosh. Independent Scholar.

"Testimonio and Migrant Identity: The Invisibility of Hispanic Women Farmworkers." Alejandra Molina, Hobart & William Smith College.

"Los Latinos. Ambivalent Perspectives on Latin American Immigration: Elena María Viramontes’ The Cariboo Café and El Norte." Elizabeth Espadas, Wesley College.

"Violación y conquista de la palabra en la Relación acerca de las antigüedades acerca de los indios de Fray Ramón Pané" Megan McInnis, University of Pennsylvania.

Session Two, 10:15- 11:45 AM

Panel A: "Creating the New Literary Space: US Latina (W)rites." Chair: Alvina Quintana, University of Delaware.

Gore Hall 204

"Shaping the Literary Map: Editorial Politics." Lil Crisler, University of Delaware.

" A Point in the Literary Map: Julia Álvarez’s Yo." Karen Gaffney, University of Delaware.

"The Politics of Production: Getting US Latina Creative Writers on the Literary Map." Alvina Quintana, University of Delaware.

Panel B: "Representation of Repression and Fragmentation in the Latin American Literature." Chair: Dawn Slack, Kutztown University.

Gore Hall 217

"Multiple Personality Disorder as Manifested in Roxana Campo’s Dramatic Work: Pablojosé." Carolyn Bell, Kutztown University.

"The Role of Repression and National Identity in the Travel Literature of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda." Karen Rauch, Kutztown University.

"The Dynamic Between Fragmentation and Repression in Rosario Ferré’s Short Story: La muneca menor." Dawn Slack, Kutztown University.

Business Lunch: 12:00 –1:30 PM. Trabant Multi Purpose Room

Session Three: 1:45- 3:15 PM

Panel A: "Más allá de la página: tres visiones de la representación literaria en Latinoamérica". Chair: Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz, University of Delaware.

Gore Hall 204

"The Evolving Role of Paris in the Literary Production of Julio Cortázar: Eurocentrismo vs. Posmodernismo". Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz, University of Delaware.

"Literatura desde los medios de comunicación. Argentina: una experiencia del abismo". Mireya Kéller, Radio Cultura, Buenos Aires.

"La revolución cubana a través de los ojos de un cineasta". Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, American University.

Panel B: "The New Nineteenth-Century Mexico: A Discussion." Chair: Mark Wasserman, Rutgers University.

Gore Hall 217

Participants: Barbara Tanenbaum, Library of Congress; Richard Warren, Saint Joseph’s University;

Mark Wasserman, Rutgers University.

Comments: Participants and Audience.

Session Four: 3: 30- 5:00 PM

Panel A: "Violence, Geopolitics and Popular Culture." Chair: Jack Child, American University.

Gore Hall 217

"Latin America’s New World View. The Aftermath of 9/11: Lesson and Projections." Michael Radu, Foreign Policy Research Institute.

"The Geography and Geopolitics of Free Trade in South America." Martín Poblete, Northeast Hispanic Catholic Center.

"The Semiotics and Politics of Miniature Icons of Popular Culture: Latin American Postage Stamps." Jack Child, American University.

Panel B: "Carlos Fuentes and Latin American Novels of the Revolution." Chair: John Incledon, Albright College.

Gore Hall 204.

"The Fragmented Psyche of Mexico: Fuentes’ source of Narrrative Structures of La muerte de Artemio Cruz." Kathleen Cunniffe, Albright College.

"Confrontation and Betrayal in Latin American Novels of the Revolution." John T. Deiner, University of Delaware.

"Carlos Fuentes’ Aura: a Psychoanalytic Reading. John Incledon, Albright College.