FR 106    Writing Assignment 3

I.      Un voyage incroyable!  Imagine that you spent a day traveling around the earth with the Petit Prince.  Explain which countries you visited in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.  Choose at least four countries and tell where you went, what you did, what you saw, what you ate, with whom you spoke, what you bought, what you learned, etc.

II.     Functions:
        Saying where you went throughout the day.

III.    Structures:
        a.    Use of the passé composé (TX 196)
        b.    Prepositions with geographical names (TX 267-268)
        c.    Indirect object pronouns to avoid repetition (lui, leur) (TX 281-282)
        d.    References to time:  le  matin, l'après-midi, le soir, la nuit
        e.    References to a particular hour: huit heures du matin
        f.    Use of pendant to indicate the duration of an action.  For one hour = pendant une heure

IV.    Self edit:

        _____    Use of  passé composé (check the  helping verbs, past participles, agreement)
        _____    Use of prepositions for geographical locations:
                     à Newark, au restaurant, à la bibliothèque, etc.
        _____   Use and placement of direct object pronouns (le, la, l', les) which answer the question who? or what? and refer
                      to someone or something previously mentioned.
        _____    Use and placement of indirect object pronouns (lui, leur) which answer the question to whom? and refer
                      to someone previously mentioned.
        _____    Use of pendant to express a duration of time
        _____    References to time

V.    One page typed and double spaced.   Refer to the syllabus for due date.