FR106 Writing Assignment # 3


I.Topic: To be announced

II.Functions:  Saying where you went and what you did.


a.Use of passé compose (TX 196)

b.Prepositions with geographical names (TX 267-268)

c.Indirect object pronouns (lui, leur) to avoid repetition (TX 281-282)

d.References to time : in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night 

e.References to a specific hour: sept heures du soir

f.Use of pendant to indicate the duration of an action:

For one hour = pendant une heure (TX 260)

IV.Self edit:

_____        Use of passé compose (check helping verbs, past participles, agreement)

_____        Use and placement of direct object pronouns (le, la, l’ , les) answer the question Who? or What? And refer to someone or something previously mentioned.

_____        Use and  placement of indirect objet pronouns (lui, leur) answer the question To whom? and refer to someone previously mentioned.

_____        References to time

_____        Use of prepositions with geographical names and locations:

au cinema, en France, au Maroc, aux Etats-Unis.

_____        Use of pendant to express duration of time

V.Refer to syllabus for length requirement and due date.