Undergraduate Studies |
This committee shall review and consider matters relating to undergraduate education and shall receive, and may stimulate and originate, proposals for its development. This committee may initiate and shall consider and formulate specific recommendations to the colleges or to the Faculty Senate on undergraduate curricular changes and interdepartmental programs. It shall have the power to act on the alteration, addition or deletion of individual undergraduate courses recommended by college committees which do not involve curricular revision, in each case consulting the deans and department chairpersons concerned, and to delegate this authority to the individual colleges and Office of the University Registrar as it deems appropriate. It shall, further, review the academic standards of the several undergraduate colleges and review and prepare recommendations concerning procedures of undergraduate advisement. This committee shall have the responsibility for setting policies concerning academic deficiency. This committee shall receive and review for policy consideration from the Undergraduate Records and Certification Committee an annual summary report of its activities. This committee shall recommend, for final determination by the Faculty Senate, the undergraduate educational and academic admission policies, and, in consultation with the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification, the policies of academic standing of undergraduates. The committee shall advise the Director of Admissions, the Dean of Counseling and Student Development, and the University Registrar in implementing these policies. This committee shall consist of the Provost or his/her designee; the Director of Admissions or his/her designee; the University Registrar or his/her designee; three faculty members from the College of Arts and Science (if feasible, one from natural sciences and mathematics, one from arts and humanities, and one from social and behavioral sciences) and one faculty member from each other undergraduate college, one of whom shall be chairperson; one representative of the Committee on Graduate Studies; and three undergraduate students. |
Chairperson: Douglas J. Buttrey |
John Courtright
Designee of the VP for Academic &International Programs |
0264 |
Provost or designee |
Lou Hirsh |
Admissions |
8125 |
Dean, Admis. or designee |
Joseph DiMartile
Registrar's Ofc. |
1280 |
Registrar or designee |
David Marshall* |
2007 |
Animal & Food Sciences |
1340 |
AG |
Charles Pavitt* |
2007 |
Communication |
8027 |
AS |
Philip Flynn (1yr. replcmnt.
for JJordan |
2006 |
English |
2212 |
AS |
Rivers Singleton oneton@udel.edu |
2007 |
Biological Sciences |
1146 |
AS |
Tom Johnston johnstont@lerner.udel.edu |
2007 |
Accounting & MIS |
6818 |
BE |
Doug Buttrey |
2006 |
Chemical Engg. |
2034 |
EG |
Amy Johnson |
2007 |
Nursing |
8369 |
2007 |
Charel E. Mason |
2006 |
Graduate Studies |
8888 |
Rep. of GS Cte. |
Hanna Messenger |
2006 |
Three undergraduate students |
Collin Odell Danielle Smarsh dsmarsh@udel.edu Vince Borsello |
Ilana Morris imorris@udel.edu |