7 February 2005
104 Gore Hall
4:00 PM
Members excused: T. Barnekov, I.
Davis, M. Ginzberg, K. Rogers, K. Rudolph, R. Singleton, K. Stein,
Members absent: R. Cunningham, T. Deliberty,
S. Gillian, D. Green, D. Seckel, M. Serva, L. Ware
I. Adoption of the Agenda: Approved unanimously.
II. Approval of the Minutes of December 6, 2004: Approved unanimously.
III. Remarks: Provost Dan Rich (Preview of the Report on Academic Progress)
Provost Rich reviewed the history of the document, “Academic Progress at the University of Delaware”. This is a draft that represents a continuation of “Affirming Academic Priorities” released in August 2003. The new 27-page document continues this dialog. Provost Rich formally requested further faculty review of “Academic Progress at the University of Delaware” (Feb. 2005) that is available on the Faculty Senate website. He asked it be read by the next Faculty Senate meeting.
IV. Announcements: Senate President Charles Boncelet – none.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Announcements for Challenge.
All items came from the Undergraduate Studies Committee or the Graduate Studies Committee. There were a total of 17 items. Sixteen items were approved unanimously. Item no. 12 was questioned by Jeremy Firestone. Item no. 12 was discussed. Most concerns appeared linked to use of the phrase ‘environmental management’ as related to environmental biology. Eric Rise of Sociology responded and explained the background and reasoning for the recommendation. Discussion and questions ensued. The vote was 26 votes in favor, 17 votes against, and 1 absention. Item no. 12 passed.
B. Resolutions.
First five resolutions were approved unanimously. Resolution no. 6 was pulled by Charles Boncelet for friendly revision. The first revision was at the line of the second whereas: “in a selfless manner”. The second revision was at the line of the last Resolved “that the Faculty Senate Committee on Student & Faculty Honors.” Resolution no. 6 was approved with only one negative vote.
VI. Regular Agenda
A. Old Business - none
B. New Business - none
VII. Introduction of New Business - none
Meeting adjourned at 4:36 PM.
Dallas Hoover, Faculty Senate secretary