104 Gore Hall
Members excused: E. Benson, J. Bernard, M. Buell, M. Dement, M. Ginzberg; J. Gizis, C. Izard, E. Kaler, K. Koford, D. Miller, R. Morgan, B. Paulanka, S. Pollack, C. Thoroughgood, N. Wagner, B. Williams
Members absent: J. Brown, D. Green, L. Harrison, B. Krakower, I. Okoye, P. Oneill, R. Opila, Y. Sanya, J. Scholz I. Vogel,
I. President Karen Stein called the meeting to order. The meeting agenda was adopted unanimously.
II. The meeting minutes of
III. Remarks by Provost Dan Rich
A. Undergraduate application numbers are running
ahead of last year’s record-setting pace.
Every indicator of academic quality is up across all categories. Graduate applications are more difficult to
track, but there is a 50% drop-off from Asian applications, primarily
B. Soon there will be a review of proposals for funding ten Ph.D. students at UD in their last year of their candidacies. The number of awards will eventually be raised to twenty. Also, a graduate student professional travel award will soon be implemented. This is a match program designed to cover costs of graduate student travel to scientific meetings.
C. Study abroad this term involved over 25 countries, 1,000 students and 70 faculty.
D. The CAA’s (Colonial Academic Alliance) undergraduate research conference will soon be held at UD.
E. Unfortunately the Faculty Forum speaker, Chris Reagan, had to cancel due to a family emergency.
F. There is a new UD faculty handbook on-line and a new website, the Provost’s website where public documents can be viewed.
IV. Announcements - Karen Stein
A. In Fall ‘04 there will be an on-line program for all curricular changes thanks to Bobby Gempesaw and Joy Lynam.
B. In the next meeting or for the April meeting the Faculty Welfare & Priveleges Committee will present its findings on academic privacy issues.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Announcements for Challenge. All eleven items dealt with curricular changes. No one requested movement of any items out of this agenda so all were approved by consent.
B. Resolutions. There was a request to move Resolution no. 1 to the Business Agenda. No request was made for Resolution no. 2, therefore it was approved.
VI. Regular Agenda
A. Old Agenda
Recycling - James Brophy and John Burns. Presentation dealt with limited recycling efforts being conducted at UD. It was noted that competing universities recycle approximately 30 to 40% of their waste while UD lags behind at around 18%. All discussion was supportive of recycling and suggestions were made to form a Faculty Senate Committee on recycling; this concept will to be evaluated by COCAN.
B. New Business.
The P&T Resolution (resolution no. 1) was questioned and discussed. Suggestions were made to table the resolution for further examination. Several issues and concerns were noted and questions were asked. A majority vote tabled the resolution. It will be sent back to committee.
VII. Introduction of New Business.
A request to form a Faculty Senate Recycling Committee will be forwarded to COCAN.
The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Dallas Hoover (secretary)