January 15, 2003
TO: Members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
FROM: Karren Helsel-Spry, Administrative Assistant
University Faculty Senate
RE: Signatures
It has been brought to my attention that there are concerns among the Committee Members that the Academic Approval Checklists are submitted electronically with out the signatures of the Chair, Dean, etc. When proposals are submitted they come to the Faculty Senate Office in two parts. The first being the hard copy of the document and second the electronic version of this same document. The hard copy with the signatures is matched against the electronic version before being forwarded to the appropriate Committee Chair. No proposal is forwarded to a Committee with out the appropriate signatures.
Should a Committee Chair receive proposals directly from a department, they should send them to the Faculty Senate Office for my review. This will prevent a committee from reviewing a proposal that does not have the appropriate signatures and electronic documentation.
In the future the Senate plans to implement a system where proposals will be completely electronic. They will go through an approval system much like payroll, request for leave, etc. The person generating the proposal will use a form that they will access with their SS# and Pin#. They will forward it to the appropriate approver etc. This will avoid situations where the college curriculum committee or senate has been bypassed. This will also prevent the Chairperson or Dean of the college from being bypassed as well.
When there is a change to the proposal it will have to go back through the process again to make sure that everyone is in agreement with the changes.
If you have additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.