This and a follow-up message that I will send next are the
latest on this
ENGL/HIST issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Pfaelzer []
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:07 PM
To: David Pong; Jeannie Pfaelzer; Douglas J Buttrey; Stephen A Bernhardt;
Peter X Feng; Owen C White; David T Pierce; Potts,
Suzanne; kristen poole
Subject: Pfaelzer: english
382 vs. 379/ History=?
Dear All,
1.We will use English 382 rather than English 379 for the Asian
Crossroads in the American West course because it requires no
prerequisites, has a global perspective, can be repeated for credit, has
a tradition of being cross listed e.g. with Black American Studies and
Women's Studies.
2.Please let me know what is the final History name
and number?
3. I am applying for multicultural standing for this course and will
submit the request to Prof. D. Buttrey, Chair of U.G.
Studies for the
Academic Senate tonight, in time for tomorrow's meeting.
Thank you all for your guidance. None of us anticipated the many
stumbling blocks of the past few days, and I am very grateful indeed for
your help.
best and thanks Jeannie
Second of two...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Pfaelzer []
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:50 PM
To: Douglas J Buttrey
Cc: Stephen A Bernhardt;
Subject: Request for Multicultural Standing for English 382
Dear Prof. Buttrey: Thank you for your patience and
guidance. Here is
our request for multicultural standing for English 382, "East Asian
Crossroads in the American West." The department is involved in a full
curricular revision and will submit a set of courses for this approval
in the near future.
Best, Jean Pfaelzer
Now we have another one...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Pfaelzer []
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:16 AM
To: Douglas J Buttrey; Stephen A Bernhardt; Jeannie Pfaelzer
Subject: [Fwd: Proposed ENGL382 / HIST376 course for fall]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Proposed ENGL382 / HIST376 course for fall
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 10:46:56 -0500
From: Doug Tobias <dtobias@UDel.Edu>
Organization: University of Delaware
To: 'Pfaelzer, Jeanne' <pfaelzer@UDel.Edu>
CC: 'Carole Haber' <chaber@UDel.Edu>, 'David Pong' <dpong@UDel.Edu>,
'Owen White' <owhite@UDel.Edu>
Dear Dr. Pfaelzer,
The History Department is willing to propose HIST376 EAST ASIAN
CROSSROADS IN THE AMERICAN WEST as the course number and title for the
desired cross-listing. We hope that the University's UG Studies
Committee will waive the conventional months-long approval process for
the creation of our new course here. Please let David Pong and/or me
know if there are additional steps the History Department has to take in
connection with the process here.
Doug Tobias
-----Original Message-----
From: Owen White [mailto:owhite@UDel.Edu]
To: Douglas A Tobias
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Pfaelzer: english
382 vs. 379/ History]