-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas W. Kaminski [mailto:kaminski@udel.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 10:03 AM
To: 'Douglas Buttrey'
Cc: 'Susan J. Hall'
Subject: RE: University UGS Committee Decision
Our accrediting agency has never required a FORMAL class in ethics, instead
certain aspects of medical and professional ethics are to be taught at some
point in the curriculum either in theory or in a clinical setting. What I
meant in my previous e-mail message dated
taught the class he would incorporate the necessary competencies within the
framework of the course as they specifically relate to Athletic Training.
With the revised competencies only including a few relating specifically to
ethics, I'm confident that our faculty are
incorporating those into the
classes in which they are needing to be taught in.
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Buttrey [mailto:buttrey@che.udel.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:53 AM
To: 'Thomas W. Kaminski'
Cc: 'Susan J. Hall'; Karren Helsel-Spry
Subject: RE: University UGS Committee Decision
Hi Tom,
We will return to this at our meeting next Tuesday. In your message from
message, you address the consistency of the proposed handling of ethics
education with the competencies required for accreditation of your program.
The concern of the Undergraduate Studies Committee was focused on the intent
of General Education Goal #4, rather than the standards set by your
accreditation body.
My sense from the earlier UGS committee deliberations is that they are
unlikely to allow deletion of CSCC241 unless it is replaced by an
alternative ethics course. Based on your message, it appears to me that
are indicating that accreditation standards have been revised in a direction
that reduces the competencies that pertain to ethics, such that the
customized ethics course is no longer needed. Am I interpreting the sense
of your message correctly? The UD General Education goals are intended to
promote enhancement of competencies in the areas addressed. I welcome any
additional comments that you would care to provide for us before the meeting
next Tuesday, and will make sure they are considered by the committee.
Best wishes,
Doug Buttrey
Chair, Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee
I appreciate your position and that of the committee. The history of
requiring CSCC241 and why the course was placed into our curriculum precedes
my tenure here at UD. My sense in talking with my colleagues is that when
Dr. Durbin (now retired) taught the class he made a conscience effort to
include the athletic training students and customize the class to suit the
needs of our accreditation standards. Since that time our accreditation
standards have been revised and now the only competencies that pertain to
ethics are the following:
1. Health Care Administration (Affective Domain)
- Accepts the professional, ethical, and legal parameters that define the
proper role of the certified athletic trainer in the administration and
implementation of health care delivery systems.
2. Professional Development and Responsibilities (Cognitive Domain)
- Differentiates the essential documents of the NATA, including, but not
limited to, the Role Delineation Study, the Code of Ethics, JRC-AT Standards
and Guidelines, Athletic Training Educational Competencies, and the
Standards of Practice of the Profession.
3. Professional Development and Responsibilities (Affective Domain)
- Defends the moral and ethical responsibility to intervene in situations
that conflict with NATA standards.
- Accepts the professional, historical, ethical, and organizational
structures that define the proper roles and responsibilities of the
certified athletic trainer in providing health care to athletes and others
involved in physical activity.
With that said, you can see how easy it has been for us (mainly Joan Couch)
to incorporate these few competencies into the teaching of HESC448.
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Buttrey [mailto:buttrey@che.udel.edu]
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 9:35 AM
To: 'Thomas W. Kaminski'
Subject: RE: CSCC241 - Athletic Training Major
Dear Tom,
The sense of the UGS Committee as of our last meeting was that maintaining a
course on ethics was valuable not only in the general context of General
Education Goal #4, but particularly for certain disciplines such as Athletic
Training and Health Care. The UGS Committee clearly decided that deleting
an ethics course was not an acceptable option. From your message, it
appears that you are requesting that HESC 448 be recognized as sufficient to
cover ethical concerns for your students. From the course title,
Organization and Administration of Athletic Training, it appears that
coverage of ethics may be a minor component of the course. The course
description in the Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog does not mention
anything about ethics. I anticipate that the UGS Committee may be
that the ethics content of HESC 448 may be significantly less than that
covered in a course dedicated to ethics such as CSCC241. How can the two
courses be redundant when one is fully dedicated to ethics and the other
I trust that you saw the response from Mark Greene. He recommended a
of courses as possible substitutes for CSCC241:
PHIL 202 - Contemporary Moral Problems
PHIL 313 - Killing & Letting Die (listed as 367 for 06S) PHIL/CSCC 444 -
Medical Ethics
Perhaps some of these are more appropriate than others for your students,
but clearly there are several options available.
Can you explain for us why your program does not make use of these options
as alternatives to CSCC241? According to Mark Greene, these are available
at more convenient times. Perhaps you might consider allowing students to
choose one from a list of ethics courses.
If you would like to provide feedback on the above before the UGS Meeting
scheduled for
Doug Buttrey
Chair, Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas W. Kaminski [mailto:kaminski@udel.edu]
To: 'Douglas Buttrey'
Cc: 'Susan J. Hall'
Subject: FW: University UGS Committee Decision
Anything to share with me on this?
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas W. Kaminski [mailto:kaminski@udel.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:08 PM
To: 'Douglas Buttrey'
Subject: University UGS Committee Decision
Hi Doug:
Can I inquire as to the decision the UGS Committee made with our curriculum
changes to the AT major, specifically those involving our request to delete
Thank you.
Thomas W. Kaminski, PhD, ATC, FACSM
Director of Athletic Training Education
Associate Professor
University of Delaware
Dept. of Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences Human Performance Laboratory
114 Fred Rust Ice Arena
541 South College Avenue
Newark, DE 19716
302-831-3693 (fax)