The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics offers undergraduate majors in Applied Nutrition, Dietetics, and Nutritional Sciences, all with
Honors Degree options, as well as a minor in Nutrition. The programs integrate chemistry, biology, social science and business courses with
the study of nutrition. The baccalaureate programs in Nutrition and Dietetics provide opportunities for careers in business; industry; public,
private, or government agencies; and education. In addition to the specialized courses necessary for competence in one’s selected
professional major, the curricula include courses in the humanities, the sciences, and the social sciences.
The Dietetics major leads to the attainment of certification as Registered Dietitian by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and is
accredited currently granted
continuing accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics
Education of the American Dietetic
Association, 216 W Jackson Blvd,Chicago IL 60606-6995, 312-899-5400.
Students in this major complete the professional practice
requirement after the Bachelor of Science degree by completing an ADA dietetic internship or alternative. See the Graduate section of the
Catalog for information on the Dietetic Internship Program.
The Applied Nutrition major is designed for the student who can creatively combine the study of nutrition with other academic areas. The
curriculum is flexible so that a focus such as Gerontology, Food Service Management, Pediatrics or Fitness may be incorporated. Students
who plan on becoming a Registered Dietitian and on conducting counseling and the related activities of a dietitian/nutrition counselor should
complete the Dietetics major.
The Nutritional Sciences major meets the needs of students who want to focus strongly on the science aspects of human nutrition. As a
premedical program, it prepares students for careers in dentistry, veterinary and human medicine, laboratory research in nutrition, or positions
with companies or agencies requiring the extensive use of a strong science and human nutrition background. It provides students with a
strong foundation for graduate work in human nutrition and related fields (e.g., physical therapy) and as such may be considered primarily as
a preprofessional degree. Students planning on career-related employment upon graduation are encouraged to plan their electives in a
concentrated area of interest such as journalism, dietetics, food science, child development, chemistry, biological sciences, or other related
Each student’s academic advisor, a faculty member with expertise in the student’s field of interest, will assist in selecting courses and
experiences that focus on the student’s interests and professional goals. For example, careful selection of liberal arts requirements and
elective courses allows students to pursue a minor or an area of interest outside of the college, a double degree, double major, or
interdepartmental major. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisors at least once each semester.
Nutrition and Dietetics students are encouraged to enrich their academic program by participating in the college’s visiting student programs,
study abroad experiences, seminars, and student organizations, such as the Nutrition and Dietetics Club. To enhance prospects for
employment and obtaining dietetic internships, students are encouraged to seek experiences outside the classroom. For those planning to
pursue a graduate program, research apprenticeships are available. Opportunities exist for students to participate in the American Dietetic
Association and the Society of Nutrition Education.
There are several special academic opportunities for exceptionally talented and highly motivated students. Students in each Nutrition and
Dietetics major may participate in the University’s Honors Program, undergraduate research, and the Degree with Distinction program.
Also, the College’s Dean’s Scholar Program provides qualified students with the opportunity to develop an individualized program focussing
on the students’ academic interests.
Selection and retention policies for all majors in this department have been established and are available from the department office.
Telephone: (302) 831-8729
The following courses have been approved to fulfill humanities and social science electives for students in majors offered by the Department
of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Art, Art History, Communication, Comparative Literature, English, Foreign Language (including: CHIN, FREN, GREK, GRMN, HEBR,
ITAL, JAPN, LATN, PORT, RUSS, SPAN), Foreign Languages and Literatures, Jewish Studies, Linguistics, Museum Studies, Music,
Philosophy, Theater, Women’s Studies (WOMS 203, 205, 210, 216, 222, 318, 320, 326, 328, 330, 353, 380, 381, 382, 389, 465, 480), Science
and Culture (CSCC 229, 241, 246, 250, 330, 365, 368, 369, 444).
Anthropology (cultural/social, all except ANTH 102, 104, 202), Black American Studies, Business Administration (BUAD 309), Criminal
Justice, Economics (including FREC 150), Geography (economic and social, including: GEOG 102, 120, 203, 210, 225, 226, 227, 236, 240, 310,
325, 328, 330, 340), History, Political Science, Psychology (except PSYC 309 and 314), Sociology, Women’s Studies (WOMS 201, 202, 206,
207, 211, 212, 213, 233, 240, 291, 298, 299, 300, 305, 323, 333, 350, 363, 407, 413, 415, 430, 436, 460, 498), Science and Culture (CSCC 233,
355, 382,). IFST 201, 221, 230, 329, 339, 403, 405, 422, 453
Students can earn an Honors Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Nutrition, Dietetics, or Nutritional Sciences by completing the following
All requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in the respective major.
All the University’s generic requirements for the Honors Baccalaureate Degree.
ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing (minimum grade C-)...... 3
Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing........................ 3
multicultural, ethnic, and/or gender-related content..
Humanities electives 6
CHEM 101/102 General Chemistry
CHEM 103/104 General Chemistry................................................ 8
CHEM 213 Elementary Organic Chemistry............................... 4
CHEM 214/216 Elementary Biochemistry with Lab.......................... 4
BISC 104 Principles of Biology
BISC 207/208 Introductory Biology I and II................................. 4-8
BISC 106 Elementary Human Physiology............................... 3
BISC 276 Human Physiology................................................ 4
Students desiring to fulfill a Biology minor should take BISC 207, 208 and 276.
ECON 100 Economic Issues and Policies
ECON 151 Introduction to Microeconomics:
Prices and Markets............................................... 3
PSYC 201 General Psychology.............................................. 3
Sociology course................................................................................ 3
BUAD 309 Management and Organizational Behavior............... 3
FOSC 305 Food Science (minimum grade of C-)...................... 3
MATH 114 Elementary Mathematics and Statistics.................. 3
Successful performance on the Proficiency Test in Mathematics administered by Department of Mathematical Sciences.
A minimum grade of C- must be achieved for credits to count toward the fulfillment of 25 credits in NTDT; a minimum grade of C- in 200-level
courses must be achieved to proceed to upper-level courses; only 300-level courses and a maximum of four credits of Special
Problems/Independent Study (NTDT x66) may count toward the fulfillment of this requirement.
NTDT 103 Introduction to Nutrition Professions........................ 1
NTDT 200 Nutrition Concepts................................................. 3
NTDT 201 Food Concepts..................................................... 3
NTDT 400 Macronutrients...................................................... 3
NTDT 401 Micronutrients....................................................... 3
NTDT 445 Teaching Methods: Nutrition and Food.................... 3
NTDT courses (300-level or higher)........................................................ 9
NTDT Restricted Elective (minimum grade of C- must be achieved).......... 3
One of the following:
NTDT 305 Nutrition in the LifeSpan
NTDT 350 Nutrition and Older Adults
NTDT 420 Maternal and Infant Nutrition
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credits required for the degree.
May include Military Science, Music, or Physical Education. (Only two credits of activity-type Physical Education and four credits of Music and
four credits of 100- and 200-level courses in Military Science/Air Force may be counted toward the degree.)
ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing (minimum grade C-)...... 3
Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing........................ 3
multicultural, ethnic, and/or gender-related content..
Humanities electives 6
CHEM 101/102 General Chemistry
CHEM 103/104 General Chemistry................................................ 8
CHEM 213 Elementary Organic Chemistry............................... 4
CHEM 214/216 Elementary Biochemistry with Lab.......................... 4
BISC 207/208 Introductory Biology I and II.................................... 8
BISC 276 Human Physiology................................................ 4
BISC 300 Introduction to Microbiology.................................... 4
ECON 100 Economic Issues and Policies
ECON 151 Introduction to Microeconomics:
Prices and Markets............................................... 3
PSYC 201 General Psychology.............................................. 3
One of the following courses................................................................. 3
SOCI 201 Introduction to Society
SOCI 203 The Individual and Society
SOCI 204 Urban Communities
SOCI 209 Social Problems
SOCI 210 Population Problems
SOCI 242 Society and the Health Professions
SOCI 243 Society, Politics and Health Care
SOCI 302 Social Deviance
PSYC 303 Introduction to Social Psychology
SOCI 310 Sociology of Healthcare
BUAD 309 Management and Organizational Behavior............... 3
FOSC 305 Food Science (minimum grade C-).......................... 3
Statistics course selected from: STAT 200, PSYC 309, FREC 408.......... 3
MATH 114 Elementary Mathematics and Statistics.................. 3
Successful performance on the Proficiency Test in Mathematics administered by Department of Mathematical Sciences.
A minimum grade of C- must be achieved for credits to count toward the fulfillment of 41 credits in NTDT; a minimum grade of C- in 200-level
courses must be achieved to proceed to upper-level courses; only 300-level courses and a maximum of four credits of Special
Problems/Independent Study (NTDT x66) may count toward the fulfillment of this requirement.
NTDT 103 Introduction to Nutrition Professions........................ 1
NTDT 200 Nutrition Concepts................................................. 3
NTDT 201 Food Concepts..................................................... 3
NTDT 321 Quantity Food Production and Service..................... 3
NTDT 322 Management of Food and Nutrition Services............ 3
NTDT 326 Onsite Food Products............................................ 3
NTDT 330 Nutritional Counseling............................................ 3
NTDT 400 Macronutrients...................................................... 3
NTDT 401 Micronutrients....................................................... 3
NTDT 403 Dietetics Seminar.................................................. 1
NTDT 421 Nutrition Assessment Methods............................... 3
NTDT 445 Teaching Methods: Nutrition and Foods................... 3
NTDT 450 Medical Nutrition Therapy I..................................... 3
NTDT 451 Medical Nutrition Therapy II.................................... 3
NTDT 460 Community Nutrition.............................................. 3
NTDT Restricted Elective (minimum grade of C- must be achieved).......... 3
One of the following:
NTDT 305 Nutrition in the LifeSpan
NTDT 350 Nutrition and Older Adults
NTDT 420 Maternal and Infant Nutrition
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credits required for the degree.
May include Military Science, Music, or Physical Education. (Only two credits of activity-type Physical Education and four credits of Music and
four credits of 100- and 200-level courses in Military Science/Air Force may be counted toward the degree.)
ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing (minimum grade C-)...... 3
Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing........................ 3
multicultural, ethnic, and/or gender-related content.
Humanities electives 6
CHEM 103/104 General Chemistry................................................ 8
CHEM 214/216 Elementary Biochemistry with Lab.......................... 4
CHEM 220/221 Quantative Analysis I with Lab................................ 4
CHEM 321/322 Organic Chemistry................................................ 8
BISC 207/208 Introductory Biology I and II.................................... 8
BISC 276 Human Physiology................................................ 4
BISC 300 Introduction to Microbiology.................................... 4
PHYS 201 Introductory Physics I............................................ 4
ECON 100 Economic Issues and Policies
ECON 151 Introduction to Microeconomics:
Prices and Markets............................................... 3
Social Science electives ..................................................................... 9
FOSC 305 Food Science (minimum grade C-).......................... 3
FREC 408 Research Methods................................................ 3
MATH 221/222 Calculus I and II
MATH 241/242 Analytic Geometry and Calculus A and B.................... 6-8
A minimum grade of C- must be achieved for credits to count toward the fulfillment of 30 credits in NTDT; a minimum grade of C- in 200-level
courses must be achieved to proceed to upper-level courses; only 300-level courses and a maximum of four credits of Special
Problems/Independent Study (NTDT x66) may count toward the fulfillment of this requirement.
NTDT 200 Nutrition Concepts................................................. 3
NTDT 201 Food Concepts..................................................... 3
NTDT 400 Macronutrients...................................................... 3
NTDT 401 Micronutrients....................................................... 3
NTDT 421 Nutrition Assessment Methods............................... 3
NTDT 450 Medical Nutrition Therapy I..................................... 3
NTDT 451 Medical Nutrition Therapy II.................................... 3
NTDT courses (300-level or higher)........................................................ 6
NTDT course ........................................................ 3
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credits required for the degree.
May include Military Science, Music, or Physical Education. (Only two credits of activity-type Physical Education and four credits of Music and
four credits of 100- and 200-level courses in Military Science/Air Force may be counted toward the degree.)
A minor in nutrition requires NTDT 200, NTDT 400, NTDT 401 plus 6 credits in Nutrition and Dietetics at the 300-level or higher. A 2.0
GPA is required for admission; a minimum grade of C- is required in all courses in the minor. Note that CHEM 214 and CHEM 216 are
necessary prerequisites for NTDT 400 and NTDT 401.