Jeff, I have attached the
accelerated nursing proposal. I do not know what you
mean by the two columns do not line-up properly; perhaps that has already been
fixed. As far as the difference between the new accelerated program and the
previous one, this is the answer I was given--The length of time is the same.
Because we have changed our traditional program to the residency program, we
needed to revise the accelerated program.
Concerning the Pathophsyiology course, it is a course that currently exists
(NURS312). It may be revised, but it is NURS312.
For the Athletic Training major, the two new courses, HESC458 & 459, are
practicums. In order for the program at UD to maintain accreditation through a
national organization, students need a minimum amount of hours in practicums.
These two courses were added to bring the number of hours up to the