Approved by faculty of the
Department of Nursing
November 12, 2002
Rationale for Program Revision
The Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse (BRN) major initiated in 1993 received permanent status in 1999. In fall 2001, an alumni survey covering all aspects of the BRN major was distributed to all 262 graduates of the program with a response rate of 38%. The Department of Nursing Curriculum Committee and the BRN Faculty Committee reviewed the survey data in conjunction with course evaluations collected each semester. These data, in combination with current standards and practices in the nursing profession, formed the basis for the attached program revision.
Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Major Revisions
The following are the proposed foremost changes in the BRN major:
Courses that remain the same:
NURS 312 Pathophysiology (4 credits)
NURS 411 Topics in Health Care Delivery (6 credits)
NURS 442 Community Health Nursing (3 credits)
NURS 443 BRN Role Practicum (3 credits)
New courses:
NURS 335 Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Orientation (1 credit)
NURS 345 Conceptual Foundations for Nursing Practice (3 credits)
NURS 350 Wellness/Health Assessment (3 credits)
NURS 362 Research Concepts in Health Care (3 credits)
NURS 435 Leadership and Management in Health Organizations (3 credits)
NURS 450 Synthesis of Professional Nursing Practice (1 credit)
11/1/02 sg
brncurr/new curr major changes
Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Major Revisions
Validation of Basic Nursing Knowledge: 30 credits
Non-Nursing Requirements: 60 credits
Upper Division Nursing Courses: 30 credits
TOTAL 120 credits
University of Delaware
Department of Nursing
Revised Course Catalog Page – Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Major
The Department of Nursing offers a program allowing license registered nurses to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse (BRN) major is an innovative program designed to build on basic nursing knowledge, enhancing nursing practice in an increasingly complex society. Licensed registered nurses who are graduates of associate degree or diploma programs may apply for admission. Applicants who show evidence of successful completion of the Registered Nurse licensure exam will be awarded 30 credits for basic nursing knowledge.
Before enrollment in any nursing courses, students must meet the following criteria:
· Official admission to the BRN major
· Completion of 24 science credits required for the degree
· GPA of 2.5 or higher in any transferred college courses
· Submission and approval of the Clinical Competency Validation Form
· Submission of updated immunization record to Student Health Services and the Division of Special Programs
· Submission and approval of current RN license
All required nursing courses in the BRN major, with the exception of two weekend courses (NURS 335, NURS 450), are offered in a distance-learning format. Many support courses are also available in a distance-learning format.
Telephone: (302) 831-4549
ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing (minimum grade C-) 3
Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing multicultural, 3
ethnic, and/or gender-related content (see p. 57); may be fulfilled
through a required or elective course
24 credits, to include a minimum of one course in each of the following 24
categories: (1) biology, (2) microbiology, (3) chemistry, (4) anatomy and
physiology, and (5) nutrition
STAT 200 Basic Statistical Practice 3
English course (second English composition course) 3
Psychology course 3
Sociology course 3
Lifespan development course 3
Restricted elective chosen from the following: 3
Art, Art History, Philosophy, Music, Theatre, Comparative Literature,
Black American Studies, Economics, Political Science, Women’s Studies,
Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, and English
Free Electives 15
NURS 312 Pathophysiology 4
NURS 335 Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Orientation 1
NURS 345 Conceptual Foundations for Nursing Practice 3
NURS 350 Wellness and Health Assessment 3
NURS 362 Research Concepts in Health Care 3
NURS 411 Topics in Health Care Delivery 6
NURS 435 Leadership and Management in Health Organizations 3
NURS 442 Community Health Nursing 3
NURS 443 BRN Role Practicum 3
NURS 450 Synthesis of Professional Nursing Practice 1
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credits required for the degree.
Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse Major
Proposed Transition Plan
The following course substitutions will be in effect for BRN students who choose to move to the new curriculum:
NURS 343 (1 credit) = NURS 335 (1 credit)
Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing BRN Orientation
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NURS 340 (2 credits)
Current Perspectives in Nursing = NURS 345 (3 credits)
NURS 342 (2 credits) Conceptual Foundations
Nursing Informatics for Nursing Practice
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NURS 344 (2 credits)
Wellness and Health Assessment = NURS 350 (3 credits)
NURS 441 (1 credit) Wellness and Health
Learning Laboratory: Health Assessment Assessment
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NURS 405 (2 credits)
Introduction to Nursing Research = NURS 362 (3 credits)
NURS 445 (1 credit) Research Concepts in
Nursing Research Applications Health Care
NURS 314 (3 credits) = NURS 411 (3 credits)
Psychopathology Topics in Health Care
Students following the above plan will graduate with 119 credits.
Curr Transition Plan