From: Karen Stein [mailto:kstein@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 12:00 PM
To: Carol R Denson; Karen Stein; Karren Helsel-Spry; Bobby Gempesaw;
santare; kofordk; wagner; Elizabeth M Perse; Angela Alexander; Robert Roy
Kulesher; Daniel D Shade; Bryant F Tolles Jr
Subject: [Health Sciences proposal-procedure
Hello Coordinating Committee members,
Below is an email from Ken, agreeing that the health sciences proposal is stronger but also stating that the approval process needs to begin over again, beginning with College UGS approval and moving through all committee levels again--since to him it is an essentially new proposal.
I think this calls for discussion by our committee. A different way of thinking about it is that the prior committees were satisfied with the proposal as it was originally. It was our committee that called for the inclusion of more 400 level courses, which the submitters did without making any substantial content changes to the proposal (in my reading, the only real content change was the addition of a required course in
leadership at the 400 level--the others were tightening of already existing requirements to specify more senior level courses). I appreciate Ken's viewpoint and the care he takes during this process.
However, I also appreciate that there may be other viewpoints and interpretations of whether this is essentially a new proposal or the old proposal with tightened requirements that respond to our concerns. We do need to discuss this as a group. I welcome your email comments now; however, it should also be an agenda item for our April meeting for us to discuss collectively. The decision we make has the potential for
setting a precedent, so we should also be aware of consistency in how we
treated (and may continue to treat) future proposals. Karen.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [Fwd: amended...the "correct version" of HS major]
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 04:04:54 -0500
From: "Koford, Ken" <>
To: "'Karen Stein'" <kstein@UDel.Edu>
Hi Karen, I looked over the new HS proposal, and I just saw one apparent mistake. In the description, there are supposed to be one 400-level course in each field, but in the actual document it turns into just one 400-level course in ONE field. I hope this is just a small error.
I feel that with this corrected, we are ready to see this proposal move through the process. That is: approval by the College Faculty Senate (Nursing and Exercise Science), Undergraduate Studies, CC, and to the floor.
The proposal is different from that approved by UGS and by the Colleges FS, and so their earlier approvals no longer stand. I expect that this time approval will go well, but this process is ESSENTIAL for a variety of reasons. It makes every unit understand what is going to happen, so they can believe that this is good--at least they agreed. We check for all small errors, at UGS level, and we could find in the adding-up and cross-checking
that there is something wrong--requirement of 123 1/2 credits, just by some odd fact, etc. AND this is a requirement of the FACULTY SENATE rules, and is good practice in any parliamentary procedure.
Kenneth Koford
Undergraduate STudies
Department of Economics
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 U.S.A.
-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Stein [mailto:kstein@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 5:44 PM
To: Carol R Denson; Karen Stein; Karren Helsel-Spry; Bobby Gempesaw;
santare; kofordk; wagner; Elizabeth M Perse; Angela Alexander; Robert
Kulesher; Daniel D Shade; Bryant F Tolles Jr
Subject: [Fwd: amended...the "correct version" of HS major]
A revised proposal for Health Sciences, which incorporates more required 400 level courses. This seems to be more in line of what we were looking for. Reactions please. Thanks. Karen.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: amended...the "correct version" of HS major
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:05:56 -0500
From: pamela beeman <pbeeman@UDel.Edu>
Organization: University of Delaware
To: "Stein, Karen" <kstein@UDel.Edu>
CC: sue clark <sclark@UDel.Edu>
Hi Karen.
Sue Clark and I have reviewed your suggestions and comments, and the spirit in which they were offered (!), and we think that we could make the following changes to our proposed HS major and still keep the integrity of the degree.
1. Instead of offering an option of NURS 362 or HESC 400, would you
consider requiring HESC 400? Absolutely. We will add HESC 400 as the required research methods course.
2. In the concentrations, you say that no more than 9 credits can be at the 100/200 level. Would you consider an additional statement that at least one course in each concentration must be at the 400 level? Absolutely. We will amend the statement after Minor or Concentration to read (No more than 9 credits at the 100 and 200 level; 3 credits must be at the 400 level)
We also propose to add IFST 405 to the Health Ethics and Decision-Making minor/concentration category, to increase opportunities for students.
3. I see that in one of your new curriculums, you require HESC 422 Organization and Administration. Would you consider requiring this also in Health Studies?
We agree that additional leadership exposure/experience through coursework would be advantageous to students in this major. However, HESC422 is quite limited in scope/interest for students with a different focus in the HS major. What would be more appropriate, and better for our students, would be to require CNST 404 (as well as the choice of HESC 422). We will need permission from you (?) to include this as a
required course, but it seems like it would be a great leadership course for our students. We would anticipate NOT MORE THAN 5-6 students/semester to have a need for this course.
Karen, I'm attaching the revised major for you. I hope this answers some of your questions. Thank you so much for your input.
Karen Stein wrote:
> Betty and Pam,
> The Coordinating Committee concerns remain as they were described. As most of the email votes coming in are calling for a discussion at our next meeting, I wonder if you would consider any or all of the following suggestions. Please bear in mind that I"m making these only in the spirit of trying to address committee concerns while still keeping true (I hope) to the goals of your major which I think include offering a broader-based health related undergraduate degree, that is academically sound and vigourous (with which none of the Committee disagree).
1. Instead of offering an option of NURS 362 or HESC 400, would you consider requiring HESC 400?
2. In the concentrations, you say that no more than 9 credits can be at the 100/200 level. Would you consider an additional statement that at least one course in each concentration must be at the 400 level?
3. I see that in one of your new curriculums, you require HESC 422 Organization and Administration. Would you consider requiring this also in Health Studies? (especially since you already note the importance of leadership by offering a choice course of Dynamics of Team Problem Solving. I must admit that I have a personal interest in having many more leadership courses available for all students and I'm sure this is
a great one--though this, of course, is just an aside).