Rev:2-15-05khs ACADEMIC
This form is a routing document for
the approval of new and revised academic programs. Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the
Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing
department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the
college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to
appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty
Senate by March 1. Proposals received
after this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the
catalog for that year.
Proposed change leads to the degree of
( ) Bachelor of Arts (
) Master of Arts (X) Doctor of Philosophy
( ) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of Science (
) Other ______________________________________
( ) New major/curriculum Title to
be entered in record of students who select this program
) New minor Title to be entered in record of students
who select this program
) Change from provisional to permanent status.
( ) Revision of existing: (X)
major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
title: Human Development and Family Studies
System Program Code
( ) Add/delete required courses/credit hours
( ) Add concentration Title:
( ) Delete concentration Title
( ) Deletion of
existing/disestablish: ( )
major ( ) minor (
) other _______________________________
Title Code______________________
5. (
) Policy Change____Individual and Family Studies______________________________________________________
APPROVALS: (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for creation, revision, or deletion:
As the field of family studies and
human development has continued to evolve, it has become important to include
human development information from a full life span perspective focusing on
physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and adaptive development. The addition of IFST 601 and IFST 803 to the
Ph.D. requirements will focus the human development content in the needed
For the Ph.D. in Human Development
and Family Studies (pp. 294-295 of the 2004-2005 Catalog), the following changes
are submitted:
Delete the requirement of IFST 603, Human Development
in the Life Span Perspective*
Require IFST 601, Theories of Human Development
Require IFST 803, Human Development in the Life Span
Delete the requirement EDUC 823, Learning and
The total
number of credits for the Ph.D. program remains the same.
*NOTE: IFST 603 and IFST 803 have the same course
name and description caused from a clerical error in 2003-2004.
M.S. in Human Development and Family Studies
The M.S. program in Human Development and
Family Studies focuses on the relationship of the family and its members to
other systems across the life span. The
minimum total credits for the M.S. in Individual and Family Studies is 30. It provides concentrations in Early
Childhood Development and Inclusive Education, Applied Family and Community
Studies, Risk and Disabilities, and Family and Human Development Research. Requirements are listed below. Consult with
your advisor on specialty courses. IFST
869 is the culminating experience for all M.S. degrees.
Human Development and Family Studies (M.S.) 30
All concentrations require:
IFST 601 Theories
of Human Development 3
IFST 615 Research
Methods 3
IFST 621 Family
Studies I: Empirical and Theoretical
Perspectives 3
Concentration in Early Childhood Development
and Inclusive Education
IFST 637 Program
Evaluation and Assessment 3
IFST Interest Electives in early childhood
education* 12
IFST 869 Thesis or
field experience with project/portfolio 6
Concentration in Applied Family and
Community Studies
IFST 637 Program
Evaluation and Assessment 3
IFST 642 Leadership
in Human Services 3
600/800 level IFST course 3
600/800 level Policy and Community course 3
600/800 level Human Service Skills course
IFST 869 Thesis or
field experience with project/portfolio 6
in Risk and Disabilities
IFST 637 Program Evaluation and Assessment 3
IFST 670 Family Risk and Resiliency 3
IFST 870 Families, Disabilities and
Institutions 3
600/800 Disabilities/Human Services* 12
IFST 869 Thesis
or Theoretical Paper 6
Concentration in Family and Human
Development Research
EDUC 665 Elementary
Statistics** 3
600/800 level Statistics course 3
600/800 level IFST course 3
600/800 level Interest Electives 6
Substitution for EDUC 665 needs approval from the Advisor.
Courses must be focused on the delivery of services to individuals and
disabilities or in risk situations and/or their families. These services can include residential,
employment, health and medical, transportation, family support or other
specific services.
Master’s program timelines:
During the first semester, the student
chooses an advisor.
Completion of required course
work. Including interest electives are
chosen by the student in consultation with the student’s Advisor and Committee.
3. A
written proposal for the thesis, theoretical paper, field experience with
project or portfolio that is defended before the student’s committee. The committee consists of a student’s advisor
and two members of the IFS faculty. In
addition, the student may choose a committee member from outside the department.
The committee for the culminating experience requires a minimum of (3) IFS
4. Defense: A presentation and oral defense is required for all culminating experiences.
Student holding a graduate appointment during a semester must register
for a minimum of 9 credits. Students who
have completed all their credits but have not completed their culminating
experience must register for UNIV 899 (Master’s Sustaining).
601 Theories of Human
Development 3
IFST 815 Research Issues and Designs 3
EDUC 856 Introduction to Statistical Inference 3
EDUC 812 Regression Models in Education 3
600/800 level Qualitative or Quantitative Methods 3
IFST 621 Family Studies I: Empirical and
Theoretical Perspectives 3
IFST 855 Family Studies II: Analysis and
Critical Issues 3
600/800 level Courses
in Area of Emphasis* 9
IFST 969 Dissertation 9
*The Area of
Emphasis is selected in consultation with the student’s advisor and committee.
During the first semester, a student
chooses an academic advisor.
completion of required course work, the student must pass a written and oral
examination covering three areas of concentration: family studies, research methodology
and statistics, and an area of emphasis as determined by the student and
advisory committee. Failed exams may be
retaken once but students must wait 6 months before a re-examination.
Requirement: Students must meet the
University requirement of one year in residence (one continuous academic year –
9 credit hours per semester, spring, fall or fall, spring).
student must submit a written dissertation proposal that is defended before the
student’s dissertation committee. The
dissertation committee consists of a student’s advisor and at least two members
of the IFS faculty. The committee must
have no fewer than four (4) and no more than six (6) faculty members. The majority of the committee, including the
chair must be within the IFS Department.
A minimum of one (1) committee member must be from outside the IFS
and defense: Students must submit an
original work of scholarship, meeting Department, University, and professional
requirements, and successfully orally defend the dissertation.
Please check the appropriate degree:
( ) Bachelor
of Applied Science
( ) Bachelor
of Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Fine Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Music
( ) Bachelor
of Science
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Education
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied
( ) Master
of Arts
( ) Master
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Master
of Business Administration
( ) Master
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master
of Civil Engineering
( ) Master
of Education
( ) Master
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Master
of Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master
of Fine Arts
( ) Master
of Instruction
( ) Master
of Marine Policy
( ) Master
of Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master
of Music
( ) Master
of Physical Therapy
( ) Master
of Public Administration
( ) Master
of Science
( ) Master
of Science in
( ) Doctor
of Education
( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
This document will be retained
permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.