First paragraph
The Elementary Teacher Education Program is designed to help students meet the following goals:
1. become outstanding general elementary teachers, middle-school teachers and teachers of exceptional children.
2. develop a strong background in the academic subjects taught in the elementary level
3. develop the employment flexibility and security to become an elementary teacher, a middle-school teacher in English, mathematics, science or social studies and/or a teacher of exceptional children.
4. provide all children, including those with special learning needs, with the best possible education
The current elementary teacher education program has evolved as a result of a determined effort on the part of the faculty to coordinate their efforts with public school personnel in education. Programs of clinical experiences have gradually increased and improved because of the continuing contact with classroom teachers, principals, and administrative officers of local schools. The program curriculum is designed to provide students with a range of practicum experiences in a variety of settings. These practicum experiences begin with observation and tutoring of children in the freshman year and culminate with student teaching in the senior year. These direct experiences in actual classroom settings give the teacher candidate important opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in college courses to his or her work with children and to gain critical on-the-job training.
The program is divided into three general areas.
The General Studies area includes courses in the following subject areas: natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, English/linguistics, and fine arts. A grade of C- or better is required in all of the courses in this area.
The K-6 licensure requirements are designed to develop the candidate’s teaching skills. The courses place strong emphasis on the development of teachers who can plan and implement appropriate educational experiences for children of varying levels of ability. A grade of C- or better is required in all of the courses in this area.
The 2nd licensure area provides
the teacher candidate with an opportunity to select a second certification
area: middle-school English, middle-school mathematics, middle-school social
studies, middle-school science or special education. A list of the specific courses that comprise
each of these areas is available in the
This section remains
In addition to the course requirements listed below,
Elementary Teacher Education majors are required to submit evidence (a copy of
their test scores) of taking a state-designated certification test in their
academic content field prior to graduation.
ENGL 110 Critical
GEOL 113 Earth Science 4
SCEN 102 Physical Science 4
BISC 104 General Biology
BISC 207 Introductory Biology I 4
MATH 251 Mathematics for K-8 Teachers: Number & Operations 3
MATH 252 Mathematics for K-8 Teachers: Rational Numbers & Probability 3
MATH 253 Mathematics for K-8 Teachers: Geom., Algebra & Measurement 3
One of the following History courses: 3
HIST 103 World History I
HIST 104 World History II
HIST 205 United States History
HIST 206 United States History
One of the following Geography courses: 3
GEOG 102 Human Geography
GEOG 120 World Regional Geography
GEOG 203 Introduction to Cultural Geography
GEOG 210 Economic Geography
Two courses from the following:
POSC 150 American
Political System 3
HEPP 102/ECON102/POSC102 Civics
and Economics for Teachers 3
ECON 100 Economic
Issues and Policies
ECON 151 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
LING 101 Introduction to Linguistics 3
One of the following literature courses: 3
ENGL 200 Approaches to Literature
ENGL 204 American Literature
ENGL 207 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 208 Introduction to Drama
ENGL 209 Introduction to the Novel
ENGL 210 Short Story
Art, Art History, Music, Music Education or Theater 3
EDUC 100 Introduction to Elementary and Middle School Education 1
(satisfies General Education Requirement)
EDUC 205 Human Development: Grades K-8 3
EDUC 210 Beginning Literacy Instruction 3
EDUC 230 Introduction to Exceptional Children 3
EDUC 240 Professional Issues: Philosophical and Legal Perspective
EDUC 247 Professional Issues: Historical Perspectives 3
EDUC 258 Cultural Diversity, Schooling and the Teacher
EDUC 259 Cultural Diversity in Community Contexts 3
EDUC 286 Educational Technology: Professional Tools 1
EDUC 310
EDUC 335 Elementary Curriculum: Mathematics 3
EDUC 341 Elementary Curriculum: Science 3
EDUC 346 Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies 3
EDUC 387 Integrating Technology in Education 2
EDUC 390 Building Communities of Learners 3
EDUC 400 Student Teaching (K-6) 5
EDUC 433 Non-school Factors Affecting Learning in the Classroom 2
EDUC 436 Literacy Problems: Assessment and Instruction
EDUC 437 Diagnosis and Instruction: Literacy 3
(Special Education Licensure only)
EDUC 451 Educational Assessment for Classroom Teachers 3
TOTAL credits for K-6 92
For students seeking licensure in Special Education, the following courses are added to the core:
EDUC 410 Assistive Technology 1
EDUC 431 Applied Behavior Analysis 3
EDUC 432 Curriculum for School-aged Exceptional Children 3
EDUC 435 Educational Evaluation for Exceptional Children 3
EDUC 400 Student Teaching: Special Education 5
In addition, students will be required to complete the Disabilities Studies
Minor (15 credits) or a discipline area in science, mathematics, social
Studies, or English (15-21) credits). See list of courses in 120 Willard Hall. 15-21
TOTAL credit hours for
K-6 with special education 122-128
For students seeking licensure in Middle-School English, in addition to the
Nine credits taken for K-6 licensure, students will take the following
21 credits of English or Linguistics for a total of 30 credits in English as well as a middle-
school reading/writing course and student teaching.
ENGL 359 Grammar
and Usage 3
EDUC/ENGL 403 Literature
for Adolescents 3
Students must choose one course in media. 3
Students must choose 2 literature or linguistics courses at
the 300-level or higher. 6
Students must choose 1 writing course (in addition to ENGL
110). 3
See list of
courses in 120 Willard Hall.
ENGL or LING elective 3
EDUC 320
EDUC 400 Student Teaching: Middle School English 5
TOTAL credit hours for
K-6 with Middle-School
For licensure in Middle-School Mathematics, in addition to the nine credits taken for K-6 licensure, students will take the following 21 credits of Mathematics for a total of 30 credits in Mathematics as well as a middle school mathematics teaching course and student teaching.
MATH 221 Calculus I
OR Math 241 Analytic Geometry and Calculus A 3-4
MATH 222 Calculus II
OR Math 242 Analytic Geometry and Calculus B 3-4
MATH 210 Discrete Mathematics 3
MATH 230 Finite Math with Applications 3
STAT 200 Basic Statistical Practice 3
OR Math 201 Introduction to Statistical Methods I
MATH 240 Geometry and Measurement for Middle School Teachers 3
MATH 217 Algebra for Middle School Teachers 3
EDUC 336 Middle School Mathematics Curriculum and Methods 3
EDUC 400 Student Teaching: Middle School Mathematics 5
TOTAL credit hours for
K-6 with Middle-School
Mathematics 121-123
For licensure in Middle-School Science, in addition to the 12 credits taken for K-6 licensure, students will take 18 credits of science courses for a total of 30 credits in Science, as well as a middle-school science teaching course and student
Teaching. Of the 18 credits, students must take the following: 6 credits in biology, 6 credits in physical science, 3 credits in earth science and 3 credits in environmental science. A list of approved courses can be obtained from an advisor in WHL 120.
Biology courses 6
Physical science courses 6
Environmental science course 3
Earth science course 3
EDUC 443 Teaching Science in the Middle School 3
EDUC 400 Student teaching: Middle School Science 5
Free elective 3
TOTAL credit hours for
K-6 with Middle-School
Science 121
For licensure in Middle-School Social Studies, in addition to the 12 credits taken for K-6 licensure, students will take 18 additional credits of social studies courses for a total
of 30 credits in the social studies area. A list of approved courses can be obtained from
an advisor in WHL 120.
US History 205 or 206
or World History 103 or 104 (whichever was not taken for general studies) 3
POSC 240 Introduction to International Relations
or POSC 270 Comparative Politics 3
Economics course 3
Geography course 3
Electives from history, geography, political science or economics 6
(6 of the 18 credits must be at the 300 level or higher)
EDUC 348 Investigation Social Studies in Middle School Communities 3
EDUC 400 Student Teaching: Middle School Social Studies 5
Free elective from any department 3
TOTAL credit hours for
K-6 with Middle-School
Social Studies 121