This form is a routing document for the approval of
new and revised academic programs. Page
2 will serve as an attachment to the Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing department should complete form,
attach as a cover page and forward to the college dean. Documentation should
include copy of curriculum as it is to appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate
Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
change leads to the degree of
( ) Bachelor of Arts (XX) Master of Arts with a major in School Psychology (Specialist Certificate Program in School Psychology)
( ) Doctor of Philosophy (
) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of Science (
) Other __________________
2. ( ) New major/curriculum Title to be
entered in record of students who select this program
( ) New minor Title to be entered in record of students who select this
( ) Change from provisional to permanent
3. ( ) Revision of existing: (XX) major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
Present title M.A. Program/Specialist Certification
Program in School Psychology
Records System Program Code
(XXX) Add/delete required
courses/credit hours
) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
4. ( ) Deletion of existing/disestablish:
( ) major ( ) minor (
) Other _______________________________
Title Code______________________
5. ( )
ROUTING AND APPROVALS: (Please do not remove
supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, Senate Com. On UG or GR Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale
for creation, revision, or deletion:
Explanation of Proposed Changes
The School Psychology Program will be reviewed by the National Association of School Psychologists’ Program Approval Board in 2003. This review will mark the first time our program has been reviewed under the new NASP Standards for Training in School Psychology. The proposed program changes are designed to address past weaknesses in the program as identified by the Program Approval Board in its previous review and by program graduates (based on a survey conducted in 2000).
b. Summary
of program:
The proposed changes listed below will reduce the overall number of credit hours required to complete both the M.A. degree plus the Specialist Certificate from 66 credit hours to 60 credit hours.
Course content changes:
Under the new NASP Training Standards, school psychologists must be competent in several areas related to research methods. These areas include basic statistics, research design, program evaluation, and measurement. The two-year timeframe of the program does not permit having individual courses to address all of these areas. The following changes are designed to improve our program in the research area.
EDUC 660 will be renamed with the same number to Educational Statistics and Measurement. It will add basic inferential statistics to its current content. This change will increase our students’ statistical knowledge, as well as their ability to use SPSS to analyze applied research data.
EDUC 691 (replacing 607): The new course will be designed to address issues in research design and statistics with a close link to program evaluation. In addition, this course will be designed to assist students in planning their internship “special project” (which often involves program evaluation).
EDUC 680 (replacing EDUC 687) will address reliability and validity of specific achievement tests (i.e., further enhancing students’ knowledge of measurement) and will introduce curriculum-based assessments of academic skills.
Sequence changes:
EDUC 681: The instructor of this course has found it difficult to have school psychology students enrolled during the same semesters that they are in practicum because they are not able to collect data in the same way as other students (practicum scheduling creates these problems). By moving it to fall of first year, this problem would be eliminated (school psychology faculty will be involved in finding opportunities for students to complete their behavior change projects in settings such as The College School, local schools, and the new Early Childhood Center).
EDUC 679 currently comes too late in the program. By moving it to the spring of Year 1, our students will become better versed in curriculum based assessment (CBA) and intervention earlier in the program. It will also improve their knowledge of academic interventions that will be used in their subsequent two practica. Because 679 will follow their introduction to CBA through EDUC 680, the material learned in 680 will be immediately put into practice.
EDUC 813: Moving this later in the program aligns it better with our interventions sequence.
Credit hour changes:
EDUC 688: During the internship, our students are placed full time in schools, working under the supervision of an on-site school psychologist. Those who are placed in local schools also attend regular seminars at the university. The reduction in credit hours from 12 to 6 (3 each semester) will make the program more affordable and more accurately reflects the contact hours with University instructors.
Proposed Program Changes
*M.A. in School Psychology
Current Program Proposed Program
EDUC 618 Special Services in the Schools No Change
EDUC 817 Individual Intelligence Testing No Change
EDUC 687 Interpretation and Testing of Exceptional Children EDUC 681 Techniques of
Behav. Change
EDUC 663 Counseling Skills Lab No Change
NOTE: EDUC 687 is being dropped from the program and is being replaced by EDUC 680 (Winter session). EDUC 681 is being moved from the specialist certificate level (Year 2) to the Masters level (Year 1).
EDUC 623 Applied Human Development No Change
EDUC 607 Educational Research Procedures OR independent EDUC 680 Educational
Research OR 800-level research/stat course Diagnosis
NOTE: EDUC 607 is being dropped from the program.
EDUC 671 Practicum in School Psychology No Change
EDUC 813 Childhood Psychopathology EDUC 679 Methods in
Special Education
EDUC 814 Psychological Assessment of Children No Change
(or PSY 820 Psychodiagnostics)
EDUC 660 Ed. Statistics and Msmnt. EDUC 660 Ed. Statistics
(or EDST 865 Ed Measurement Theory and Measurement
or EDST 870 Tests and Testing)
NOTE: EDUC 813 is being moved from the Masters level (Year 1) to the specialist certificate level (Year 2) of the program. EDUC 679 is being moved from the specialist certificate level (Year 2) to the Masters level (Year 1) of the program. EDUC 660 is being revised to reflect greater attention to basic statistical procedures.
COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION: this requirement is unchanged
*The completion of the M.A. does not convey certification as a school psychologist. To be certified, students must complete the second year coursework and a supervised internship and must then apply for certification in the state in which they wish to practice. The University’s Institutional Recommendation is issued at the successful completion of the supervised internship.
Proposed Program Changes
Certificate of Advanced Standing (CAS) in
School Psychology
Current Program Proposed Program
EDUC 671 Practicum in School Psychology No Change
EDUC 681 Techniques of Behavior Change EDUC 691 Applied Statistics
& Research Design
EDUC 831 Advanced Counseling Techniques No Change
EDUC 870 Child Neuropsychology No Change
NOTE: EDUC 681 is being moved from the specialist certificate level (Year 2) to the Masters level (Year 1) of the program. EDUC 691 Applied Statistics and Research Design is a new course.
EDUC 671 Practicum in School Psychology No Change
EDUC 830 Consultation and Intervention No Change
EDUC 679 Methods in Special Education EDUC 813 Child
EDUC 651 School-based Family Issues and Interventions No Change
NOTE: EDUC 679 is being moved from the specialist certificate level (Year 2) to the Masters level (Year 1) of the program.
EDUC 688 Internship in School Psychology reduce credits from 12 to 6
Please check the appropriate
( ) Bachelor of
Applied Science
( ) Bachelor of Arts
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor of Fine
( ) Bachelor of
Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Education
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied Sciences
(XX) Master of Arts
( ) Master of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Master of
Business Administration
( ) Master of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master of Civil
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Master of
Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master of Fine
( ) Master of
( ) Master of Marine
( ) Master of
Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master of Music
( ) Master of
Physical Therapy
( ) Master of Public
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Science in Nursing
( ) Doctor of
( ) Doctor of
This document will be retained permanently in the
Faculty Senate Office.
Revised 04/23/01