This form is a routing document for
the approval of new and revised academic programs. Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the
Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing
department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the
college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to
appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
Proposed change leads to the degree of
( ) Bachelor of Arts (
) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor of Philosophy
( ) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of
Science (XXX) Other Master
of Education
( ) New major/curriculum Title to be entered in record of
students who select this program
) New minor Title to be entered in record of students
who select this program
) Change from provisional to permanent status.
(XXX) Revision of existing:
(XXX) major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
Present title M.Ed. Exceptional Children &
System Program Code EEC
Add/delete required courses/credit hours --- ALSO: change in admission
( ) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
( ) Deletion of
existing/disestablish: ( ) major (
) minor ( ) other
Title Code______________________
( ) Policy
not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for creation, revision, or deletion:
The M.Ed. in Exceptional Children & Youth (EEC) program serves two populations. The first group includes teachers already possessing certification in special education who want to pursue an advanced degree. These students take six prescribed core courses and select five specialty courses in consultation with their academic advisors. The second group includes individuals without special education certification who simultaneously pursue a program of study leading toward elementary or secondary special education certification and an advanced degree. This option is an “approved program” for teacher certification with the Delaware Department of Education. These students must take three prescribed “background” courses, the same six core courses as all others in the program, five specialty courses that meet requirements for certification in the elementary or secondary specialty area, and complete student teaching. Program of study sheets for these different program options are included below. Both groups complete a final paper or thesis at the end of their program.
Change #1: Technology Elective
In the past, the University and the State Department of Education have agreed that students pursuing initial certification in special education in conjunction with the degree (the second group) must take at least one course in assistive technology as one of their specialty area courses. The M.Ed. EEC faculty wish to add a similar requirement for the first group of students in the M.Ed. We would require that they take a course on assistive or other educational technology as one of their specialty electives. The course would be selected in consultation with their advisors from a range of existing courses based on their particular disciplinary or pedagogical interests. (A list of existing courses is provided below.) This change in course requirements would ensure that all of our M.Ed. candidates have current information and skills regarding the uses of technology with students who have disabilities. At present, none of the M.Ed. core courses provide extensive engagement with technology issues, and therefore, depending on what electives students take, they may or may not leave the program with current knowledge and skills related to technology. The proposed program change would help the students in our degree program to meet the technology standards of the UD conceptual framework for teacher education, the Delaware Teaching Standards, and the professional standards for special education programs from the Council for Exceptional Children (see attached table). Students pursuing the advanced degree only would continue to have the ability to design a program of study within their specialty area that best meets their needs, because they would be able to choose from among several courses for their technology elective and would still have other non-specified electives.
Change #2: Praxis I Requirement
Currently, students seeking initial certification through the University’s approved teacher education programs must pass the Praxis I exam prior to applying for student teaching. Praxis I is a test of basic reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge/skills, which many states now require of teacher certification candidates. Praxis I is offered by the Educational Testing Service several times each year. The M.Ed. EEC faculty want to require EEC applicants to submit Praxis I scores with their admissions materials if they have no prior teaching certification. In the past, we have encouraged students to take the exam as soon as possible during their program of study, but we have not had a mechanism for ensuring that they take the test at a point in time sufficiently in advance of applying for student teaching (which must be done approximately one year in advance of the student teaching experience). We have had a small number of situations where a student has failed one or more parts of the test and had to retake it, resulting in unexpected delays with their program completion. Requiring Praxis I scores as a part of the application process would not pose an unreasonable barrier to potential applicants and would provide the M.Ed. EEC program with better control over this aspect of the certification component of the program.
Change #3: Praxis II Requirement
The M.Ed. program in Exceptional
Children and Youth, like all of our other master’s programs in the
Summary of
Current Program of Study Requirements for
Candidates Entering the M.Ed. with Special Education Teacher Certification
CORE COURSES (18 hours required)
EDUC 623 Applied
Human Development in the Schools
EDUC 680 Educational
EDUC 679 Methods
of Instructing Learners with Mild Disabilities
EDUC 681 Techniques
for Behavior Change
EDUC 607 Educational
Research Procedures
EDUC 682 Research in Special Education
SPECIALIZATION AREA elementary / secondary /
severe / technology / diagnosis
SPECIALTY COURSES (15 credits required; 3
credits in assistive or educational technology recommended)*
Number Course Title
1) _____ _____ _______________________________________
2) _____ _____ _______________________________________
3) _____ _____ _______________________________________
4) _____ _____ _______________________________________
5) _____ _____ _______________________________________
*NOTE: The proposed change to the
M.Ed. EEC would require rather than recommend an education technology or
assistive technology course as one elective.
Final Paper Type (circle one):
Case Study / Literature Review /
Practitioner Manuscript
Completed in place of:
EDUC _____
___________________________________________________ and
Current Program of Study Requirements for
Candidates Seeking Initial Special Education Teacher
(Elementary) Certification Plus M.Ed.
BACKGROUND COURSES (9 credits required)
EDUC 697 Education
of the Exceptional Child
EDUC 620 Foundations
of Reading Instruction
608 Teaching Reading (circle one)
EDUC 635 Teaching
Math in
CORE COURSES (18 hours required)
EDUC 623 Applied
Human Development in the Schools
EDUC 680 Educational
EDUC 679 Methods
of Instructing Learners with Mild Disabilities
EDUC 681 Techniques
for Behavior Change
EDUC 607 Educational
Research Procedures
EDUC 682 Research in Special Education
SPECIALTY COURSES (15 credits required)
Number Course Title
1) EDUC 609 Assess. & Instruct.
2) EDUC 668 Assess. & Instruct. Reading Difficulties: Interm.
3) EDUC 658 Discipline & Classroom
652 Introduction to Tech, in Spec, Ed, & Rehab.
or EDUC 653 Computer-Assisted Instruction in Remedial/Spec. Ed.
or EDUC 655 Assistive Technology (circle one)
5) _____ _____ _______________________________________
Final Paper Type (circle one):
Case Study / Literature Review /
Practitioner Manuscript
EDUC 400 Student Teaching
**Under the proposed program change,
Praxis I scores would be submitted with an uncertified candidate’s M.Ed.
application materials rather than at some unspecified point before student
Current Program of Study Requirements for
Candidates Seeking Initial Special Education Teacher
(Secondary) Certification Plus M.Ed.
BACKGROUND COURSES (9 credits required)
EDUC 697 Education
of the Exceptional Child
EDUC 622 Literacy in the Content Areas
608 Teaching Reading (circle one)
EDUC 636 Teaching
Math in
CORE COURSES (18 hours required)
EDUC 623 Applied
Human Development in the Schools
EDUC 680 Educational
EDUC 679 Methods
of Instructing Learners with Mild Disabilities
EDUC 681 Techniques
for Behavior Change
EDUC 607 Educational
Research Procedures
EDUC 682 Research in Special Education
SPECIALTY COURSES (15 credits required)
Number Course Title
1) EDUC 673 Transitions from Secondary Special
2) EDUC 674 Instructional Methods In Secondary Spec. Ed.
3) EDUC 658 Discipline & Classroom
652 Introduction to Tech, in Spec, Ed, & Rehab.
or EDUC 653 Computer-Assisted Instruction in Remedial/Spec. Ed.
or EDUC 655 Assistive Technology (circle one)
628 Strategy Instruction in Reading & Writing for Students
with LD
or EDUC 610 Assessment in Secondary Special Education
or _____ _____ _______________________________________
Final Paper Type (circle one):
Case Study / Literature Review /
Practitioner Manuscript
EDUC 400 Student Teaching
**Under the proposed program change,
Praxis I scores would be submitted with an uncertified candidate’s M.Ed.
application materials rather than at some unspecified point before student
List of Educational and Assistive
Technology Courses Available to M.Ed. Students
EDUC 652 Introduction
to Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation
EDUC 653 Computer-Assisted Instruction
in Remedial/Special Education
EDUC 654 Augmentative and Alternative
EDUC 655 Assistive Technology
EDUC 646 Assistive Technology
for Secondary Schools and Work
EDUC 667 Authoring Computer-based
EDUC 667 Applications of Computers in
Teaching Writing to Elementary and Secondary Students
Please check
the appropriate degree:
( ) Bachelor
of Applied Science
( ) Bachelor
of Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Fine Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Music
( ) Bachelor
of Science
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Education
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied
( ) Master
of Arts
( ) Master
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Master
of Business Administration
( ) Master
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master
of Civil Engineering
(XXX) Master of Education
( ) Master
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Master
of Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master
of Fine Arts
( ) Master
of Instruction
( ) Master
of Marine Policy
( ) Master
of Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master of Music
( ) Master
of Physical Therapy
( ) Master
of Public Administration
( ) Master
of Science
( ) Master
of Science in
( ) Doctor
of Education
( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
This document will be retained
permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.