Rev2-28-05 ACADEMIC
This form is a routing document for
the approval of new and revised academic programs. Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the
Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing
department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the
college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to
appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
Proposed change leads to the degree of
( ) Bachelor of Arts (
) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor of Philosophy
( x ) Bachelor
of Science ( ) Master of Science ( ) Other
( ) New major/curriculum Title to be entered in
record of students who select this program
) New minor Title to be entered in record of students
who select this program
) Change from provisional to permanent status.
( x ) Revision of existing: ( x ) major ( )
minor ( ) concentration
Present title
System Program Code APD
( x ) Add/delete
required courses/credit hours
( ) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
( ) Deletion of
existing/disestablish: ( )
major ( ) minor (
) other _______________________________
Title Code______________________
( ) Policy
not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for
creation, revision, or deletion:
The Department of Consumer Studies
is recommending revisions to the Apparel Design undergraduate major. The
revisions are designed to improve the depth and breadth of the apparel design
curriculum, to update the program’s curriculum to keep it current with advances
in the apparel design field, and to incorporate the University’s general
education initiatives into the curriculum. All revisions can be accomplished
without increasing the number of credits required for graduation.
b. Summary of program:
The Apparel Design major studies the conceptualization, design and pre-production of products for apparel-related industries that meet the functional, expressive, and aesthetic needs and desires of consumers. This major prepares students to enter the apparel industry as a design assistant in pattern making, computer-aided design, or product development. The changes we are planning are as follows:
CNST 110 Seeing and Being in a Visual World, a Pathways
course offered for several years as an elective, will become a required course
for the major fulfilling General Education criteria.
CNST 122 Apparel Product Assembly will replace CNST 211
Apparel Product Development in the curriculum. CNST 122 was introduced as a new
course last year to offer the CNST 211 content at a 100-level.
CNST 222 Apparel Product Analysis will be added to the
curriculum, updating course offerings in the area of technical design and
specifications for the apparel industry.
The history course requirement has been revised to
include any approved Arts and Science Group B elective.
ART 130 Drawing I: Tools and Techniques has been removed as an alternative for a required art course
since our students primarily take ART 129 Design in Visual Arts.
Please check
the appropriate degree:
( ) Bachelor
of Applied Science
( ) Bachelor
of Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Fine Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Music
(x ) Bachelor
of Science
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Education
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied
( ) Master
of Arts
( ) Master
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Master
of Business Administration
( ) Master
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master
of Civil Engineering
( ) Master
of Education
( ) Master
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Master
of Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master
of Fine Arts
( ) Master
of Instruction
( ) Master
of Marine Policy
( ) Master
of Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master
of Music
( ) Master
of Physical Therapy
( ) Master
of Public Administration
( ) Master
of Science
( ) Master
of Science in
( ) Doctor
of Education
( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
This document will be retained
permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.