DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts
MAJOR: Mathematics Education
starting 2004 Fall
Engl 110 Critical Reading and Writing 3
(minimum grade C-)
Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing
multi-culture, ethnic, and/or gender-related course content 3
Skill Requirements
Writing: (minimum grade C-) 3
A second writing course involving significant writing
experience including two papers with a combined minimum
of 3,000 words to be submitted for extended faculty critique
of both composition and content. This course must be taken
after completion of 60 credit hours.
Foreign Language 0-12
Completion of the intermediate-level courses (107 or 112)
in a given language. Number of credits needed and initial
placement will depend on number of years of high school
study of foreign language. Students with four or more years
of high school work in a single foreign language may
attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by taking
an exemption examination.
Requirements (See
catalog p.xxx)
Group A 12
Group B 9
Group C 9
Group D 13
A grade of C- or better is required for major courses and
courses and related work. Students lacking preparation for
Math 242
should begin with Math 241.
Math 210 Discrete Mathematics I 3
Math 242 Analytic Geometry and Calculus A 4
Math 243 Analytic Geometry and Calculus B 4
Math 245 An Introduction to Proof 3
Math 308 Historical Development of Mathematical Concepts
and Ideas 3
Math 349 Elementary Linear Algebra 3
Math 350 Probability Theory and Simulation Methods 3
Math 450 Mathematical Statistics 3
Math 451 Abstract Algebra I 3
Math 518 Mathematical Models and Applications 3
another Modeling course
Math 540 College Geometry 3
One of the following Mathematics courses 3
Math 302 Ordinary Differential Equations
Math 315 Discrete Mathematics II
Math 401 Introduction to Real Analysis
Math 508 Introduction to Complex Variables
One of the following Computer Science courses 3
Cisc 105 General Computer Science
Cisc 181 Introduction to Computer Science
Phys 207 Introductory Physics I 4
Engl 312 Written Communications in Business 3
Math 279 Problem Solving Strategies I 1
Math 379 Problem Solving Strategies II 1
Math 380 Approaches to Teaching Mathematics 3
Math 382 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Math 2
Educ 413 Educational Psychology-Social Aspects 3
Educ 414 Educational Psychology-Cognitive Aspects 3
Educ 419 Diversity in the Classroom 3
Educ 400 Student Teaching 9
Educ 420 Reading in the Content Area 1
Educ 430 Classroom Management in Secondary Schools 1
Note to students: Math 308 may satisfy the second writing requirement
instead of Engl 312.
To be eligible to student teach, Mathematics Education
students must have a GPA of 2.5 in their mathematics
major and an overall GPA of 2.5. They must also pass
a teacher competency test as established by the University
Council on Teacher Education. Remaining in the program
is subject to periodic review of satisfactory progress and, to
be admitted to EDUC 400-Student Teaching, students must
have completed all the mathematics courses required in the
secondary mathematics education program. Students should
consult the teacher education program coordinator (see list on
p.xxx) to obtain the student teaching application and other
information concerning student teaching policies.
required courses are completed, sufficient elective
must be taken to meet the minimum credit
for the degree, with 79 credits outside of