This form is a routing document for
the approval of new and revised academic programs. Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the
Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing
department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the
college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to
appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
Proposed change leads to the degree of
( ) Bachelor of Arts (
) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor of Philosophy
( ) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of
Science ( ) Other
( ) New major/curriculum Title to be entered in
record of students who select this program
) New minor Title to be entered in record of students
who select this program
) Change from provisional to permanent status.
(X )
Revision of existing: ( X ) major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
Present title
System Program Code SOCI
( ) Add/delete required courses/credit hours
(X )
Add concentration Title
Emergency and Environmental Management
( ) Delete concentration Title
( ) Deletion of existing/disestablish: ( ) major ( ) minor (
) Other _______________________________
Title Code______________________
( ) Policy
not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, Senate Com. On UG or GR Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for
creation, revision, or deletion:
undergraduate concentration in Emergency and Environmental Management is
proposed to build on one of the three primary areas of expertise identified in
1998 by the faculty in the Department of Sociology and Criminal JusticeDisaster
Research. Since the relocation of the
b. Summary of program:
addition to the three courses required of all sociology majors, students in
this concentration will be required to take two out of three selected courses within
this area, as well as four additional three-credit courses within the
major. Students will select their
courses with the agreement of the area coordinator. All students in this concentration will have
to take on a pass/fail basis a four-credit practicum course, which will
incorporate an internship placement for a semester or for a winter
session. Students also will be required
to select five additional three-credit courses outside of the major with the
agreement of the area coordinator to broaden their knowledge of this area from
other disciplinary perspectives. All
courses taken within the major must be passed with a minimum grade of C-.
Please check
the appropriate degree:
( ) Bachelor
of Applied Science
( X ) Bachelor of Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Fine Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Music
( ) Bachelor
of Science
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Education
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied
( ) Master
of Arts
( ) Master
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Master
of Business Administration
( ) Master
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master
of Civil Engineering
( ) Master
of Education
( ) Master
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Master
of Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master
of Fine Arts
( ) Master
of Instruction
( ) Master
of Marine Policy
( ) Master
of Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master
of Music
( ) Master
of Physical Therapy
( ) Master
of Public Administration
( ) Master
of Science
( ) Master
of Science in
( ) Doctor
of Education
( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
This document will be retained
permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.
SOCI 201 Introduction to Sociology.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 credits
SOCI 301 Introduction to Sociological Research . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
SOCI 312 Theories of Society. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 credits
Two courses chosen from the following:
SOCI 321 Issues in Emergency Management . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 credits
SOCI 325 Disaster and Society . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 credits
SOCI 470 Environmental Sociology . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 credits
Any five other courses in Sociology,
with no more than 9 credits
at the 200 level. At least 6 credits must be at the 400 level
or higher,
but cannot be fulfilled with 400 level
directed study courses (466)
or internship courses (464, 410, 426,
441, 442). The following
courses are recommended:
SOCI 204
Urban Communities
SOCI 209
Social Problems
SOCI 311
Sociology of Health Care
SOCI 322
Crowds, Cults, and Revolutions
SOCI 327 Sociology
of Organizations
SOCI 331
World Population: Profiles and Trends
SOCI 341
Welfare and Society
SOCI 361
Racial Inequality
SOCI 423
Sociology of Risk (being proposed for a second writing course)
SOCI 426 Practicum in Emergency and Environmental
Management . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
Fifteen additional credits of related
work are required. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 credits
and may include the following:
ANSC 270 Biotechnology: Science and Socio-Economic Issues
ANTH 101 Introduction to Social and
Cultural Anthropology
COMM 236 Principles of Communication
COMM 245 Mass Communication and
GEOG 203 Introduction to Cultural Geography
GEOG 235 Conservation of Natural
GEOG 236 Conservation: Global Issues
GEOG 240 Environment and Behavior
GEOG 310 Social Geography
GEOG 449 Environment and Behavior
GEOL 112 Earth Resources and Public
GEOL 422 OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous
Materials Safety Training
POSC 211 Introduction to Politics in
Developing Countries
POSC 220 Introduction to Public
POSC 240 Introduction to
International Relations
POSC 303 Public Administration
POSC 350 Politics and the
POSC 456 Disasters and Politics
After required courses are completed,
sufficient elective credits must
be taken to meet the minimum credit
requirement for the degree.
CREDITS TO TOTAL A MINIMUM OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124