Academic Program Approval
This form is a routing document for the approval of new
and revised academic programs. Proposing department should
complete this form. For more
information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.
Brian Ackerman
Submitted by: _____________________________________phone
Add a Bachelor of Science Degree
curriculum for majors
Action: _______________________________________________________________________________________
(Example: add major/minor/concentration, delete
revise major/minor/concentration,
academic unit name change, request for permanent status, policy change,
Effective term________________________________________________________________________________
(use format 04F, 05W)
(Example: BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA,
(in addition to BA)
Proposed change leads to the
degree of: ______________________________________
(Example: BA,
Bachelor of Science in
Proposed name:__________________________________________________________
Proposed new name for revised
or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit
(if applicable)
Revising or Deleting:
Undergraduate major / Concentration:_________________________________
(Example: Applied Music Instrumental degree BMAS)
Undergraduate minor:_______________________________________________
(Example: African
Studies, Business
Administration, English, Leadership,
Graduate Program Policy statement change:____________________________
(Attach your Graduate Program Policy
Graduate Program of Study:__________________________________________
(Example: Animal Science: MS Animal Science: PHD
Economics: MA Economics: PHD)
Graduate minor / concentration:______________________________________
List program changes for
curriculum revisions:
Addition of a Bachelor of
Science Degree Program to the existing Bachelor of Arts Degree Program. The BA Program will not change.
List new courses required for
the new or revised curriculum:
(Be aware that approval
of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through
the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter None)
University Requirements:
ENGL 110 Critical
Foreign Language 00-12
Breadth Requirements 24
(Minimum of 6 credits each in Groups A
& B;
12 credits in Group C)
Biological Sciences 10-12*
Take these 3 courses:
Bisc 104 Principles of Biology with Laboratory 04
Bisc 105 Human Heredity and Development 03
Bisc 106 Elementary Human Physiology 03
These course are acceptable
substitutes, if you have already taken them:
Bisc 207/208 Introductory Biology I /II 08
Bisc 276 Human Physiology 04
Chemistry and Physics 08*
Take two courses in sequence:
Chem 103/104 General Chemistry or 08
Phys 201/202 Introductory
Physics I/II 08
Mathematics 03-04*
Math 221 Calculus
or 03
Math 241 Analytic
Geometry and Calculus A 04
Computer Science 03*
Cisc 105 General Computer Science 03
Major Requirements:
Psyc 100 General Psychology 03
Psyc 207 Research Methods 03
Psyc 209 Measurement and Statistics 03
One of the following four courses: 03
Psyc 312 Learning and Motivation
Psyc 314 Brain and Behavior
Psyc 316 Biological Bases of Behavior
Psyc 320 Introduction to Neuroscience
One of the following three courses: 03
Psyc 310 Sensation and Perception
Psyc 340 Cognition
Psyc 344 Psychology of Language
One of the following two courses: 03
Psyc 350 Developmental Psychology
Psyc 380 Psychopathology
One of the following two courses: 03
Psyc 370 Research in Personality
Psyc 390 Social Psychology
Psyc 394 Cultural Psychology
Three courses at the 400-level or the 600-level: 09 *
Two courses of supervised research: 06
Psyc 468 Research or
UNIV 401/402 Thesis
A grade of C- or better is required in all BISC, CHEM,
PHY, MATH, CISC, and PSYC courses.
* These components supplement the current BA curriculum
by adding Science Background, specifying Calculus as a Math requirement, adding
to the major one 400 level course, the possible
substitution of 600 level courses, and the supervised research
requirement. The University Thesis
program will substitute for the Psyc 468
requirement. To compensate for the added
course requirements, the new degree program reduces the number of credits
needed to satisfy the Arts & Sciences General Education requirements by 6
in each of Groups A and B.
Other affected units:
(List other departments affected by this new or revised
curriculum. Attach permission from the
affected units. If no other unit is
affected, enter None)
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the
curriculum or program.)
We first explain our goals for this proposed Bachelor of Science Degree Program. Then we describe and explain the details.
We propose a new Bachelor of Science Degree Program for several reasons. First, we would like to increase the number of students who apply to graduate schools in psychology and the competitiveness of our best students for entrance into top level graduate programs. We can increase the number by emphasizing the science end of psychology and the strong interrelations with other life sciences. Similarly, exposure to more physical science and more opportunities for supervised independent research in our department (e.g., through Psyc 468) will enhance competitiveness. Good graduate programs in Clinical Science now, for instance, recruit students on the basis of their science interests and demonstrated aptitude, and appreciate the Bachelor of Science degree.
Second, we would like to better meet the needs of students with strong science backgrounds and interests who change majors to Psychology because of changing career aspirations. Providing more opportunities to take upper level and graduate courses and to do supervised research enhances the ability of these students to craft specialty concentrations. The Bachelor of Science Degree Program thus both channels and rewards their achievements. Similarly, students in our undergraduate Neuroscience program, with exceptionally strong science backgrounds, will welcome the new opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science degree rather than a BA.
More generally, third, we would like to offer dedicated students the opportunity to engage in depth the rigorous scientific approach to Psychology advocated by the faculty. A Bachelor of Science Degree Program serves a rhetorical purpose in communicating that approach and will serve to recruit select students away from the Bachelor of Arts program. As we develop the Bachelor of Science Program, we plan to focus on providing exciting, rigorous, and sequenced research experiences in our laboratories.
Finally, a Bachelor of Science Degree Program dramatically enhances our competitiveness in applying for grants from federal funded programs for undergraduate research and teaching in aspects of psychological science. NIMH, for example, has a program to enhance the undergraduate science training of potential applicants to Clinical Science graduate programs.
The proposed program requires students to take between 24 and 26 credits in courses constituting the science background (10-12 in Biology, 8 in Chemistry or Physics, and 6 in Computer Science and Math). This total represents an increase of possibly 14 to 16 science credits over the usual number for BA Psychology majors. If the students come to the University with AP calculus credits, the increase is 11 to 13. Such students usually take 10 credits in Group D courses outside of Psychology (and supplement with 3 Group D credits in Psychology). We also are requiring 6 extra credits in courses in Psychology, with 3 coming from an additional specialty seminar and 6 coming from two semesters of quasi-independent supervised research (Psyc 468). The typical BA major also has 3 credits of electives, which we are eliminating. To partially compensate for the extra credits in the Science background and Psychology components (17 to 22), we propose to reduce the number of credits necessary to satisfy the Arts and Sciences Groups A and B requirements. Halving that number frees up 12 credits.
We expect to graduate about
10 students per year with a BS degree.
That figure would constitute about 5% of our current Psychology
majors. Many of these 10 students will
be in our current Neuroscience interdisciplinary program or will be students
interested in Biological Sciences as a major who migrated to Psychology.
Program Requirements:
(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the
Course Catalog. If this is a revision,
be sure to indicate the changes being made to the present curriculum.)
University Requirements:
ENGL 110 Critical
Foreign Language 00-12
Breadth Requirements 24
(Minimum of 6 credits each in Groups A
& B;
12 credits in Group C)
Biological Sciences 10-12*
Take these 3 courses:
Bisc 104 Principles of Biology with Laboratory 04
Bisc 105 Human Heredity and Development 03
Bisc 106 Elementary Human Physiology 03
These course are acceptable
substitutes, if you have already taken them:
Bisc 207/208 Introductory Biology I /II 08
Bisc 276 Human Physiology 04
Chemistry and Physics 08*
Take two courses in sequence:
Chem 101/102 General Chemistry or 08
Chem 103/104 General Chemistry or 08
Phys 201/202 Introductory
Physics I/II 08
Mathematics 03*
Math 221 Calculus or 03
Math 241 Analytic
Geometry and Calculus A 04
Computer Science 03*
Cisc 105 General Computer Science 03
Psyc 100 General Psychology 03
Psyc 207 Research Methods 03
Psyc 209 Measurement and Statistics 03
One of the following four courses: 03
Psyc 312 Learning and Motivation
Psyc 314 Brain and Behavior
Psyc 316 Biological Bases of Behavior
Psyc 320 Introduction to Neuroscience
One of the following three courses: 03
Psyc 310 Sensation and Perception
Psyc 340 Cognition
Psyc 344 Psychology of Language
One of the following two courses: 03
Psyc 350 Developmental Psychology
Psyc 380 Psychopathology
One of the following two courses: 03
Psyc 370 Research in Personality
Psyc 390 Social Psychology
Psyc 394 Cultural Psychology
Three courses at the 400-level or the 600-level: 09 *
Two courses of supervised research: 06
Psyc 468 Research or
UNIV 401/402 Thesis
A grade of C- or better is required in all BISC, CHEM,
PHY, MATH, CISC, and PSYC courses.
After required courses are completed, sufficient
elective credits must be taken to meet the minimum credit requirement for the
. 124
ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION: (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date