From: Stuart Binder-Macleod
To: Mary Martin
Cc: 'Paul Mettler'
Subject: Grad Committee recommendation
Greetings Mary,
I spoke with Paul this morning regarding his meeting with the Graduate Committee and he noted that there was a recommendation that we change the proposed Introduction to Clinical Education - PHYT 830 - from one to zero credits. I just wanted to let you know that I strongly oppose this recommendation for several reasons. First, and most important, this course not only includes training in clinical procedures, such as CPR and Universal precautions, it also includes graduate level content related to professional issues in clinical education. Second, somebody needs to teach this course and I do not know how you assign workload (or payment during a special session) for a zero credit course. I assure you that this course will be rigorous and demanding for both the instructor and students. It does not seem fair to either the instructor or students to not award at least one credit for this course. Third, and this is the least important, I am philosophically opposed to zero credit courses. I think they convey the wrong message to our students and faculty. This course is as important as any course in our curriculum and I do not want the students or faculty to think that this content is not important. I would be happy to present my argument at the December Faculty Senate Meeting if you think that it would be helpful.
Thanks again and I will see you on Thursday.
Stuart A. Binder-Macleod, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Professor and Chair
Dept. of Physical Therapy
301 McKinly Laboratory
(302) 831-8046
(302) 831-4234 (FAX) - homepage