Resolution #1
To add a concentration in COASTAL AND MARINE GEOSCIENCE within the BS Degree in Geology
Whereas the establishment of a concentration in Coastal and Marine Geoscience would allow Geology majors interested in this area to focus their studies and to identify their expertise more clearly for the purposes of employment and post-graduate study
Whereas the establishment of this concentration does not require the addition of any new courses or library resources
Whereas existing courses and resources will support parallel proposals to establish a new track within the Environmental Science (ENSC) major and a minor in Coastal and Marine Geoscience, be it therefore
Resolved that a concentration in Coastal and Marine Geoscience be established within the Department of Geology to accommodate Geology majors who are interested in this subject.
Resolution #2
Whereas the establishment of a minor in Coastal and Marine Geoscience would allow students interested in this area to focus their studies and to identify their expertise more clearly for the purposes of employment and post-graduate study
Whereas the establishment of this minor does not require the addition of any new courses or library resources
Whereas existing courses and resources will support parallel proposals to establish a new track within the Environmental Science (ENSC) major and a concentration in Coastal and Marine Science within the Department of Geology, be it therefore
Resolved that a minor in Coastal and Marine Geoscience be established within the Department of Geology to accommodate students who are interested in this subject.