From: Philip Broadbridge <>
To: Kathleen McCoy <>,
"David P. Bellamy" <>
Subject: Re: Letter of support
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My apology. I thought I had already replied. I approve of the
proposed change.
Yours sincerely,
Philip Broadbridge
Department Chair, Math. Sci.
Kathleen McCoy wrote:
>I am not sure whether you received this the first time I sent it or
>whether there is someone else in the department I should be contacting.
>Please let me know.
>Kathy McCoy
>Kathleen McCoy <> wrote:
>>I am currently the undergraduate coordinator in the CIS department. We
>>are in the process of putting through a change of our program (I have
>>included the rationale and the program change below FYI).
>>Our current program requires an elective math/science course to be taken
>>from a list that we provide on-line. In the change we are proposing, we
>>have listed three courses prominently because they are important for some
>>upper-level courses we think our students might be interested in
>>taking. Our new requirement for the elective would read:
>>"A course chosen from MATH243, CISC304, MATH349, or a substitute from
>>the list at that is approved
>>beforehand in writing by the advisor."
>>Because two of the courses we list are math courses, the faculty senate
>>has asked us to get a letter of support from the math department saying
>>it is OK for us to list these three courses this way. Would you be able
>>to provide me such a letter? An email note would be fine.
>>Thank you very much,
>>Kathy McCoy
>>a. Rationale for creation, revision, or deletion:
>>Automata Theory is a theoretical area of computer science that is
>>fundamental and crucially built on by many of the upper-level topics in
>>computer science (e.g., compiler design, networking, some subfields of
>>artificial intelligence). Our current course, CISC301 Automata and
>>Logic, introduced automata theory, and also introduced the area of logic
>>(which is also important, but serves a less central role in computer
>>science). In attempting to provide coverage of two areas, the current
>>course is unable to provide the depth of coverage necessary in either
>>one. As a result, we are suggesting the creation of two new courses, one
>>covering each of these areas in depth. Because the first is more central
>>to computer science, we have made it the required course. The other
>>course (CISC304) is now prominently listed on our math/science elective
>>Areas requiring greater preparation in mathematics and science are
>>increasingly important in computer science. These areas include
>>artificial intelligence, computer security, graphics and image
>>processing, network design and analysis, scientific computation, and
>>bioinformatics, among others. While our program is not actually
>>changing the list of math/science elective courses provided (except for
>>the addition of the new CISC304 course), we have given three courses
>>prominence as math/science options because they lead into these
>>important research areas. Additional options are provided in an online
>>list for students who wish to strengthen in other math/science
>>areas. The online list of approved math/science options may change over
>>Last year the alternative Information Systems major was created. It is a
>>less technical computing major which provides a new opportunity for
>>students of computing, but with a less technical focus. With this
>>proposed change to the traditional Computer Science major, we strengthen
>>it and further differentiate these two majors.
>>With the addition of math and science requirements for the major (put
>>through last year), it is reasonable to change our previous CIS
>>Technical elective to 9 credits of CISC courses number 301 or above
>>(rather than 12 credits - 3 of which could be a math course at the 300
>>level or above). The changes are also in synchrony with computer science
>>programs at other universities and with accreditation guidelines.
>> b. Summary of program: A new course CISC303 Automata Theory
>> replaces CISC301 Automata and
>>Logic. This provides for fuller treatment of the most fundamental
>>theoretical underpinnings of computer science in the required courses
>>and better prepares majors for
>>some key senior options. The other material in CISC301 is expanded into
>>an optional course CISC304 on logic and programming.
>>A reduction in the required CIS Technical electives to 9 credits (from
>>12) is included. These 9 credits must be CISC courses numbered 301 or
>>above, approved by the student's advisor.
>>The option list in the Mathematics/Science part of the recently
>>increased Mathematics and Science requirements of the major are modified
>>as follows:
>>"A course chosen from MATH243, CISC304, MATH349, or a substitute from
>>the list at that is approved
>>beforehand in writing by the advisor."