ADDENDUM to Proposal for Minor in Sexualities and Gender
Submitted to the University Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
1. Letter from Larry W Peterson, Professor
and Co-chair of the Task Force that prepared the Proposal for a Minor in
Sexualities and Gender.
2. Email from Dean Gretchen Bauer that copies
an email from Dean Conrado
Gempesaw II that requests the
Registrar for a rubric to be assigned to the minor, probably SGST.
3. Email from Mary Jo Mankin,
Registrar’s office regarding the use of ARSC and the request for a special
rubric to be assigned the proposed minor.
4. Letter from Dean Gretchen Bauer confirming
support for ARSC 367, Gay and Lesbian Film and confirming that the office of
the Dean of Arts and Sciences
supports the position of the Task
Force that the proposal minor needs to be located administratively under the
office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences not under a Department.
5. Letter from Penny Deiner,
Chair of Individual and Family Studies, confirming support for the course IFST
401, Foundations of Human Sexuality.
6. Letter from Steve Bernhardt, Chair of
English, confirming
support for the courses English 214, Literature and Gender, and English 480
7. Letter from Dan Carson, Chair of Biology, confirming support
for the course BISC 152.
8. Letter from Bryant Tolles,
Director of the Museum Studies Program, confirming support for the courses MSST
206, Queer Sexual Imagery in the Visual Arts and ARSC 267 (future permanent
rubric yet to be assigned) Cultural Introduction to Sexualities and Gender.
9. Letter from Fred Adams, Chair of
Philosophy, confirming support for the courses WOMS/Philosophy 216,
Introduction to Feminist Theory and WOMS/Philosophy 327, Race, Gender, and
10. Email from Richard Zipser,
Foreign Language and Literatures, confirming support for the course FLLT 320, Premodern Sexualities.
11. Letter from James Prodan,
Chair of Music, confirming support for the course ARSC 267, Research in
Sexuality (future permanent rubric yet to be assigned.