This form is a routing document for the approval of new and revised academic programs.  Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the Faculty Senate agenda.  Proposing department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog.  Proposals must arrive to the Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate by March 1.   Proposals received after this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog for that year.


Proposed change leads to the degree of


(X) Bachelor of Arts in Art                    (  ) Master of Arts                  (  ) Doctor of Philosophy      


(  ) Bachelor of Science           (  ) Master of Science              ( ) Other:


2.   (  ) New major/curriculum                                                                                                                                                                                                               Title to be entered in record of students who select this program


       (  ) New minor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Title to be entered in record of students who select this program


       (  ) Change from provisional to permanent status.



3.   (X) Revision of existing:         (  ) major                           (  ) minor                                 ( X) concentration


Present title  Affects all concentrations: Ceramics, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, and Sculpture


Records System Program Code                                                                                                                                           

(X) Add/delete required courses/credit hours


                (  ) Add concentration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Title

(  ) Delete concentration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Title


4.  (  ) Deletion of existing/disestablish:    (  ) major               (  ) minor                 ( ) other


                 Title                                                                                                                              Code_                                              


5. (X)  Policy Change : Add the following two, new courses to the Foundation requirements for Art majors: ART 116: Introduction to Digital Media and ART 117: Research Studio: Process and Product




ROUTING AND APPROVALS: (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)


Department Chairperson                                                                                                        Date                                       


Dean of College                                                                                                                       Date                                       


Chairperson, College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________


Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR Studies                                                                   Date                                       


Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com.                                                                 Date                                       


Secretary, Faculty Senate                                                                                                       Date                                       


Date of Senate Resolution                                                                                                      Date to be Effective               


Registrar                                                                  Program Code                                         Date                                       


Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Planning                                                                  Date                                       


Provost                                                                                                                                   Date                                       


Board of Trustee Notification                                                                                                                Date                                       


a.  Rationale for creation, revision, or deletion:

The Department of Fine Arts and Visual Communications has proposed the addition of two new courses as part of a broad curricular revision to the department’s Foundation (first-year) requirements. These courses, ART 116: Introduction to Digital Media and ART 117: Research Studio: Process and Product, reflect the department’s desire to update its curriculum to prepare students better for the contemporary context in which art and design operate. The department recognizes the changing context of contemporary art and design as increasingly multidisciplinary and critically oriented. Specifically, our new courses incorporate technology and critical thinking/analytical skills into the freshman curriculum and integrate the range of creative practices taught at this level.


ART 116: Introduction to Digital Media examines the role of digital media in contemporary art and design and introduces students to basic issues regarding technology as well as basic software use. Students will see and learn about digital applications and develop an understanding of the computer and related tools. Topics include: creating and manipulating digital images, video and video projection, installation, sound, and general issues related to time-based media and technological reproduction.


ART 117: Research Studio: Process and Product emphasizes the role of critical thinking and visual problem solving in cross-disciplinary art and design practice. Students will approach visual problems from a media independent perspective. Meaning, students will be introduced to a studio process that examines conceptual considerations first; these considerations will then drive an investigation of visual forms appropriate to ideas at hand. Students will pursue investigations relevant to their individual interests, supported by strong research training. Teaching of the course will rotate among faculty, so specific topics will vary depending upon the instructor (the overarching goals and structure of the course remain constant). Topics may include: the cultural context in which art operates/art as signifying practice, the political efficacy of art, relationships between authenticity and new technologies, plus issues of modernity and contemporaneity.


These courses—and all re-working of the department’s Foundation curriculum—are part of a curricular structure voted on and approved by the entire faculty. Department Chair Virginia Bradley appointed a departmental, ad hoc Foundation Committee  who has been charged with implementing the approved structure and writing curriculum. All proposals and revisions originated with the committee and passed a full faculty vote.


Overall, the addition of these courses to the first-year curriculum aims to provide the comprehensive background necessary for more meaningful and productive work at the intermediate and advanced levels within the department. The content identified for these courses is deemed by the department’s faculty to be crucial to the creative and professional success of our artists and designers.


b.  Summary of program:

This proposal requests the maximum number of Art credits be raised to 51 (from 45), as described above. All other degree requirements remain the same. Total credit breakdowns are as follows:

BA in Art:

University requirements: 6 credits

Arts & Science requirements: 37-41 credits

Department requirements: 42 credits

TOTAL: 85-89 credits [124 to graduate]


Revised Catalogue Copy:


Revised Catalogue Copy:


Changes/revisions are printed in red below.



                The Department of Fine Arts & Visual Communications is a studio-oriented department offering a wide range of visual arts activities and subject areas. Passing a portfolio review is required for admission to the major. The department offers undergraduate majors in Art (Bachelor of Arts), Fine Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts), and Visual Communications (Bachelor of Fine Arts). The B.A. degree requires 42 credit hours minimum of art courses and 51 credit hours maximum. The B.F.A. degree requires 72 credit hours minimum of art courses and 86 credit hours maximum. All grades in art courses must be C- or better. Admission to the B.F.A. is contingent upon submission of a portfolio of slides and/or original work after completion of the freshman year, a minimum of 18 credits of foundation courses and a 2.66 GPA in studio art courses. A limited number of students are admitted to the B.F.A. degree programs.




                The department enjoys an excellent reputation and has a Macintosh-based computer site within the department, including imaging and layout software, scanners, and color printers. The proximity of the University to major cultural centers of the northeastern United States provides students with easy access to important museums and galleries and allows for an outstanding program of visiting artists.

                Telephone: (302) 831-2244






See page 84 for University and College requirements.



ART 110 Drawing I…..3

ART 111 Design I…..3

ART 112 Drawing II…..3

ART 113 Design II…..3

ART 114 Foundation Colloquium (fall semester)…..0

ART 115 Foundation Colloquium (spring semester)…..0

ART 114/115 Required fall and spring of freshman year

ART 116 Introduction to Digital Media…..3

ART 117 Research Studio: Process and Product…..3










NOTE: 75 credit hours minimum Art Department courses; 86 credit hours maximum Art Department courses; all grades in art must be C- or better.

ART 110 Drawing I…..3

ART 111 Design I…..3

ART 112 Drawing II…..3

ART 113 Design II…..3

ART 114 Foundation Colloquium (fall semester)…..0

ART 115 Foundation Colloquium (spring semester)…..0

ART 114/115 Required fall and spring of freshman year

ART 116 Introduction to Digital Media…..3

ART 117 Research Studio: Process and Product…..3

Art Electives 12

ART 416 Professional Practices 3

ART 417 BFA Exhibition 0

Art History courses 12










NOTE: 75 credit hours minimum Art Department courses; 86 credit hours maximum Art Department courses; all grades in art must be C- or better.

ART 110 Drawing I…..3

ART 111 Design I…..3

ART 112 Drawing II…..3

ART 113 Design II…..3

ART 114 Foundation Colloquium (fall semester)…..0

ART 115 Foundation Colloquium (spring semester)…..0

ART 114/115 Required fall and spring of freshman year

ART 116 Introduction to Digital Media…..3

ART 117 Research Studio: Process and Product…..3

ART 200 Visual Communications Process I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ART 201 Visual Communications Process II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ART 210 Visual Communications Imagemaking I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ART 211 Visual Communications Imagemaking II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ART 408 Visual Communications Internship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ART 417 BFA Exhibition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

Art Electives 12

Art History 6




Please check the appropriate degree:


(   )          Bachelor of Applied Science

(X)           Bachelor of Arts

(   )          Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Civil Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Computer Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Environmental Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Fine Arts

(   )          Bachelor of Liberal Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Music

(   )          Bachelor of Science

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Accounting

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Education

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Nursing

(   )          Master  of Applied Sciences

(   )          Master of Arts

(   )          Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

(   )          Master of Business Administration

(   )          Master of Chemical Engineering

(   )          Master of Civil Engineering

(   )          Master of Education

(   )          Master of Electrical Engineering

(   )          Master of Environmental and Energy Policy

(   )          Master of Fine Arts

(   )          Master of Instruction

(   )          Master of Marine Policy

(   )          Master of Materials Science and Engineering

(   )          Master of Mechanical Engineering

(   )          Master of Music

(   )          Master of Physical Therapy

(   )          Master of Public Administration

(   )          Master of Science

(   )          Master of Science  in Nursing

(   )          Doctor of Education

(   )          Doctor of Philosophy




This document will be retained permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.


Revised 04/23/01