This form is a routing document for
the approval of new and revised academic programs. Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the
Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing
department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the
college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to
appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty
Senate by March 1. Proposals received
after this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the
catalog for that year.
Proposed change leads to the degree of
( X ) Bachelor
of Arts ( ) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
( ) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of Science (
) Other ______________________________________
( ) New major/curriculum Title to be
entered in record of students who select this program
) New minor Title to be entered in record of students
who select this program
) Change from provisional to permanent status.
( X ) Revision of existing: ( X) major ( )
minor ( ) concentration
Present title
Political Science
System Program Code PSC with
concentrations in AP, GS, PJ, PL, PPPA
(x ) Add/delete required courses/credit hours
( ) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
( ) Deletion of
existing/disestablish: ( )
major ( ) minor (
) Other _______________________________
Title Code______________________
( ) Policy
not remove supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, Senate Com. On UG or GR Studies Date
Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for
creation, revision, or deletion:
through a set of 400-level senior courses, to be
designated as such each semester, instead of the 1-credit independent study.
This is a "ratcheting up" of the capstone requirement, not its
Discussion sections
will provide small group experiences for all POSC majors in the early years of
their undergraduate careers, in addition to expanded opportunities for
developing writing and oral communication skills within the major. The change also anticipates the Dean’s Task
Force on Undergraduate Curriculum’s interest in shifting more responsibility
for skills building to individual departments.
The change will also provide needed opportunities for graduate students,
who will teach the discussion sections, to improve their teaching skills by expanding
their classroom experience.
POSC240 is required
because the faculty of Political Science believes that it is very important
that majors understand global politics and the world beyond the
Adding POSC220 to
the menu of core courses more accurately reflects the spectrum of Political
Science and its subfields.
The Department’s request to eliminate the 1-credit POSC 499
“capstone” was not an effort to eliminate capstone experiences but an attempt
to make such experiences more academic and more or less systematic. In 1998 our unit required a capstone
experience of all majors but with no clear agreement as to what this should
entail, leaving it up to individual students and faculty. This devolved into the 1-credit “499.” Some students could satisfy this as an extra
credit tacked onto a senior thesis, or a special problem tacked onto a “study
abroad” or internship, for example, in
POSC 401: Topics in Constitutional Law
POSC 409: Contemporary Problems of World Politics
POSC 413: Problems in American Government
POSC 414: Problems in American Foreign Policy
POSC 442: Problems in Western European Politics
POSC 450: Problems in Latin American Politics
These courses have variable contents reflecting, in large measure, the research interests of the instructor. A few other courses would qualify as well, but we have not moved further than where we are right now.
Summary of program:
The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers major programs leading to the B.A. in Political Science, the B.A. in International Relations, the B.A. in Political Science Education, and a joint program with the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature leading to a B.A. in French, German, or Spanish/Political Science. Honors degree options are available for all degrees. A minor in political science is also available, as well as a minor in public administration.
Political science majors acquire a broad introduction to the study of government and politics within a liberal arts tradition. To graduate with a major in political science, students must maintain a minimum C- grade in all POSC courses. Students should also note that no more than 45 POSC credits will count towards the 124 credits needed to graduate. Coursework for both major options – with or without a concentration – aims to help students develop analytical and written and oral communication skills and to prepare them for a wide array of careers (including law) and active citizenship. Political science majors are strongly encouraged to take advantage of many experiential learning opportunities including internships, independent research under faculty supervision, study abroad, or service learning. Detailed explanations of experiential learning opportunities are available in the department office and on the department’s website:
Students changing their major to political science must have
completed POSC 150 with a grade of C- or better and completed at least 12
additional hours of University courses.
Students must have a minimum of a 2.3 average to change their major to
political science. Students transferring
into the major from outside the
The department maintains an advisory program for prelaw students and for students interested in government service.
Except as otherwise indicated, non majors may enroll in any political science course without prerequisites.
POSC 150 American Political System…………………………………………..….. 3
POSC 151 Exploring American Politics……………………………………………. 1
POSC 240 Introduction to International Relations ………………………………… 3
______One course from 3
· POSC 220: Introduction to Public Policy
· POSC 270: Comparative Politics
· POSC 285: Currents in Political Theory
POSC 300 Data Analysis for Political Science………………………………….….. 3
Eighteen credits distributed as follows:…………………………………………..……. 18
Nine credits from courses at the 400-level; nine credits from courses
at the 300 or 400-level.
A student must take at least one course numbered at the 300 or 400-level in four of the five fields listed below: (Detailed description of courses available from department office.)
a. American Government and Politics (AG&P)
b. Comparative Government and Politics (CG&P)
c. International Relations (IR)
d. Public Administration and Public Policy (PA&PP)
e. Political Theory (PT)
POSC 306 Economic Theory of Politics
POSC 320 Parties and Interest Groups
POSC 321 Class, Ethnicity and Politics
POSC 322 Race and Politics
POSC 323 Introduction to Women and Politics
POSC 324 Voting and Elections
POSC 340 Politics and the Media
POSC 355 Urban Politics and Community
POSC 380 Introduction to Law
POSC 401 Topics in Constitutional Law
POSC 402 Civil Liberties I
POSC 403 Civil Liberties: Equal Protection Clause
POSC 404 The Judicial Process
405 Constitutional Law of the
POSC 407 American Presidency
POSC 413 Problems in American Government
POSC 422 Political Leadership
POSC 423 Congress and Public Policy
POSC 424 Energy Policy and Administration
POSC 309 Political Culture by Country
POSC 310 European Governments
POSC 311 Politics of Developing Nations
POSC 312 Politics of East Asian Development
POSC 315
POSC 330 Political Terrorism
POSC 339
POSC 372 East Central European Politics
POSC 377 Arab-Israel Politics
POSC 426 Latin American Political Systems
POSC 427 Politics
POSC 428 Politics
POSC 431 Latin American Politics: Countries
POSC 432 Political
System of the Post-Soviet
POSC 433 African Politics
POSC 439 Problems in African Politics
POSC 441 Problems of Western European Politics by Country
POSC 442 Problems of Western European Politics
POSC 450 Problems of Latin American Politics
POSC 316 International Political Economy
POSC 329 International Migration
POSC 330 Political Terrorism
POSC 341 Environment of Multinational Corporations
POSC 362 Diplomacy
POSC 363 International Law & Organization
POSC 408 International Organization
POSC 409 Contemporary Problems of World Politics
412 Foreign Policy of the Post-Soviet
POSC 414 Problems in American Foreign Policy
POSC 415 Force and World Politics
POSC 444 Global Agenda
POSC 445 Human Rights and World Politics
POSC 446 International Human Rights on Film
POSC 448 Theories of International Relations
POSC 463 The United Nations and World Affairs
POSC 465 Model OAS
POSC 475 Model United Nations
POSC 604 International Law
POSC 387 American Political Thought
POSC 434 Political Thought I
POSC 435 Political Thought II
POSC 437 Who Governs: Perspectives on Political Power
POSC 454 Organizational Behavior and Theory in the Public Sector
POSC 652 Topics in Political Theory
POSC 306 Economic Theory of Politics
POSC 343 Society, Politics and Health Care
POSC 350 Politics and the Environment
POSC 411 Politics and Poverty
POSC 415 Force and World Politics
POSC 420 Introduction to Political Economy
POSC 423 Congress and Public Policy
POSC 424 Energy Policy and Administration
POSC 452 Problems in Urban Politics
POSC 453 Public Personnel Administration
POSC 454 Organizational Behavior and Theory in the Public Sector
POSC 455 Public Budgeting and Financial Management
POSC 456 Disaster and Politics
POSC 457 Management and Nonprofit Organizations
POSC 640 International Development Policy and Administration
Major Requirements all Concentrations. 13 credits
______POSC 150: American Political System
3 credits
151: Exploring American Politics 1 credit
______POSC 240: Introduction to International Relations 3 credits
______One course from 3 credits
POSC 220: Introduction to Public Policy
· POSC 270: Comparative Politics
· POSC 285: Currents in Political Theory
______POSC 300: Data Analysis for Political Science 3 credits
Within the core courses required or all majors:
POSC 220
Introduction to Public Policy
______One course from 3 credits
POSC 303 Public Administration
POSC 313 American Foreign Policy
Five courses (15 credits) from the following two fields, with at least two courses taken in each field and at least two courses taken at the 400-level
400-level 400-level
POSC 320 Parties and Interest
Groups POSC
340 Politics and Media
POSC 321 Class, Ethnicity and
Politics POSC
401 Gender, Sex and Law*
POSC 322 Race and Politics POSC
402 Civil Liberties: Individual Freedoms
POSC 334 Liberalism and
Conservatism POSC
413 Problems in American Government**
POSC 387 American Political
Thought POSC 422 Political Leadership
POSC 404 The
Judicial Process POSC
423 Congress and Public Policy
POSC 405 Constitutional Law
of the United States POSC
437 Who Governs: Perspectives on Political Power
POSC 407 American Presidency
following may count once towards completion of above fields (Mass Behavior or
Ideas & Institutions).
POSC 464 Internship in
Political Science OR
POSC 468 Undergraduate Research
*POSC401 Counts only when
titled Gender, Sex and Law
**May be taken twice when
topics differ.
A. Major Requirements all Concentrations. 13 credits
______POSC 150: American
Political System 3 credits
______POSC 151: Exploring American
Politics 1 credit
240: Introduction to International
Relations 3
course from 3 credits
POSC 220: Introduction to Public
POSC 270: Comparative Politics
POSC 285: Currents in Political
300: Data Analysis for Political Science 3 credits
courses (9 credits) from the following Topical course list, at least one
of which must be at the 400-level
(2)_________________ (3) ________________ 9 credits
POSC 313
American Foreign Policy
POSC 316
International Political Economy
POSC 329 International Migration
POSC 333 Communism, Fascism
and Democracy
POSC 341 Environment of the
POSC 362
POSC 363
International Law and Organization
POSC 409 Problems in World
POSC 414 Problems in American
Foreign Policy*
POSC 415 Force and World
POSC 422
Political Leadership
POSC 444 Global Agenda*
POSC 445 Human Rights and
World Politics
POSC 446 International Human
Rights on Film
POSC 448 Theories of
International Relations
POSC 463 The
United Nations and World Affairs
POSC 475 Model United Nations**
courses (9 credits) from the following Country course list, at least one
of which must be at the 400-level
(1)_______________ (2)_____________________ (3)___________________ 9 credits
POSC 309 Political Culture by Country
POSC 310 European Governments
POSC 311 Politics of
Developing Nations
POSC 312 Politics of East
Asian Development
POSC 315
POSC 339
POSC 372 East Central
European Politics
POSC 377 Arab-Israeli
POSC 412 Foreign Policy of
the Post-Soviet
POSC 426 Latin American
Political Systems
POSC 427 Politics in
POSC 428 Politics in
POSC 429
POSC 431 Latin American Politics: Countries
POSC 432 Political Systems of
the Post-Soviet
POSC 433 African Politics
POSC 439 Problems in African
POSC 441 Problems of Western
European Politics
by Country
POSC 442 Problems of Western
European Politics
POSC 443
POSC 450 Problems of Latin
American Politics
POSC 465 Model OAS**
following may count once towards completion of above fields (Topical or
POSC 464 Internship in
Political Science OR
POSC 468 Undergraduate Research
*May be taken twice when topics differ.
**May be counted towards major and concentration
once only.
A. Major Requirements all Concentrations. 13 credits
______POSC 150: American Political System
3 credits
151: Exploring American Politics 1 credit
______POSC 240: Introduction to International Relations 3 credits
course from 3 credits
POSC 220: Introduction to Public
POSC 270: Comparative Politics
POSC 285: Currents in Political
______POSC 300: Data Analysis for Political Science 3 credits
340 Media and Politics 3 credits
courses (12 credits) from the following list, at least two of which must be at
the 400-level
(1)____________ (2)___________
(3)_____________ (4)____________ 12 credits
400-level 400-level
POSC 301 State
and Local Government
POSC 311 Politics of
Developing Nations
POSC 313 American
Foreign Policy
POSC 319 Topics in Politics
and Broadcast
POSC 320 Parties and Interest
POSC 343 Society, Politics
and Health Care
POSC 350 Politics and the
POSC 404 The
Judicial Process
POSC 407 American Presidency
POSC 409 Contemporary
Problems of World*
POSC 411 Politics and Poverty
POSC 413 Problems in American
POSC 414 Problems in American
Foreign Policy
POSC 415 Force and World
POSC 423 Congress and Public
POSC 425 Topics in Politics
and Broadcast
POSC 437 Who Governs:
Perspectives on Political
POSC 445 Human Rights and
World Politics
POSC 456 Disaster and
following may count once towards completion of above.
POSC 464 Internship in
Political Science OR POSC 468 Undergraduate Research
307 News Writing and Editing 3
courses (9 credits) from the following list 9
(1)__________________ (2)_________________ (3)________________
ENGL 308 Reporters Practicum
ENGL 309 Feature
and Magazine Writing
ENGL 310 Copy Editing and
ENGL 407 Advanced Reporting
ENGL 408 Sports Writing
ENGL 409 Topics in Journalism
*May be taken twice when
topics differ.
A. Major Requirements all Concentrations. 13 Credits
______POSC 150: American Political System
3 credits
151: Exploring American Politics 1 credit
______POSC 240: Introduction to International Relations 3 credits
______One course from 3 credits
· POSC 220: Introduction to Public Policy
· POSC 270: Comparative Politics
· POSC 285: Currents in Political Theory
______POSC 300: Data Analysis for Political Science 3 credits
B. Public Law Concentration
Three courses (9 credits) from the following list:
(1)_______________ (2) ______________ (3)_____________ 9 credits
(1)____________________ (2) ________________ (3) ___________ 9 credits
The following may count once towards completion of above.
464 Internship in Political Science OR POSC 468 Undergraduate Research
*May be taken twice when topics differ.
A. Major Requirements all Concentrations. 13 Credits
______POSC 150: American Political System
3 credits
151: Exploring American Politics 1 credit
______POSC 240: Introduction to International Relations 3 credits
______One course from 3 credit
______POSC 300: Data Analysis for Political Science 3 credits
______POSC 303 Public Administration 3 credits
______POSC 464 Internship in Political Science 3 credits
Three courses (9 credits) from the following list, at least two of which must be at the 400-level
(1)________________ (2)________________ (3) _________________ 9 credits
400-level 400-level
POSC 301 State and Local Government
POSC 306 Economic Theory and Politics
POSC 343 Society, Politics, and Health Care
POSC 350 Politics and the Environment
POSC 355 Urban Politics and Community Development
POSC 408 International Organization
POSC 411 Politics and Poverty
POSC 415 Force and World Politics
POSC 420 Introduction to Political Economy
POSC 423 Congress and Public Policy
POSC 424 Energy Policy and Administration
POSC 452 Problems in Urban Politics
POSC 453 Public Sector Human Resource Management
POSC 454 Organizational Behavior and Theory in the Public Sector
POSC 455 Public Budgeting and Financial Management
POSC 456 Disaster and Politics
Please check
the appropriate degree:
( ) Bachelor
of Applied Science
( X ) Bachelor of Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Fine Arts
( ) Bachelor
of Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor
of Music
( ) Bachelor
of Science
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Education
( ) Bachelor
of Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied
( ) Master
of Arts
( ) Master
of Arts in Liberal Studies
( ) Master
of Business Administration
( ) Master
of Chemical Engineering
( ) Master
of Civil Engineering
( ) Master
of Education
( ) Master
of Electrical Engineering
( ) Master
of Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master
of Fine Arts
( ) Master
of Instruction
( ) Master
of Marine Policy
( ) Master
of Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master
of Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master
of Music
( ) Master
of Physical Therapy
( ) Master
of Public Administration
( ) Master
of Science
( ) Master
of Science in
( ) Doctor
of Education
( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
This document will be retained
permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.