Degree Program: Bachelor of Arts in
Mathematical Sciences starting 2004 Fall
Curriculum credits
See page xx for University and College Requirements
Major Requirements
A grade of C- or better is
required for major courses and
related work. Students
lacking preparation for Math 242
should begin with Math 241.
Math 210 Discrete Mathematics I 3
Math 242 Analytic Geometry and Calculus B 4
Math 243 Analytic Geometry and Calculus C 4
Math 245 An Introduction to Proof 3
Math 268 Perspectives on Mathematics 1
Math 302 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
Math 349 Elementary Linear Algebra 3
Math 350 Probability Theory and Simulation Methods 3
Nine credits of mathematics at the 300 level or above.
Math 308, Math 379, Math 380 and Math 382 are not
applicable. 9
Engl 312 Written Communications in Business 3
suitable equivalent
Cisc 181 Introduction to Computer Science 3
Cisc 220 Data Structures 3
(Students with no previous experience in a
programming language should start with Cisc 105)
Any substitution must be approved by the department
Undergraduate Studies Committee.
After required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits
must be taken to meet minimum credits requirement for the
degree, with at least 79 credits outside Mathematics.